I need TFL members to back me up.......


Well once again in the grand tradition of Don Quioxe I'm tilting windmills. I read on another forum that Rosie O'Donnel was using her Warner Brothers web site to spred anti gun propaganda. She feels that all guns should be illegal and gun owners should be imprisoned. Naturally I checked out the site, and discovered she has a "message board" devoted to the Denver Shooting. Me being me I posted a new topic to express the views of a gun owner.

I often find myself thinking here that we are "preaching to the choir". Like her or not (and I know we don't) O'Donnel does have a following and is watched by many, including those that draw all of their gun knowledge from what they see and hear on television. I thought this was an opportunity to give at least one voice on the side of gun owners.

When any of you have time please go check out the site and read, respond to my post, post your own new topic????? The site is http://rosieo.warnerbros.com/cmp/ronav.htm
Click on "talk to Rosie" at the bottom, then message board and then my post "Repeal The Second Amendment Now!!!

In my thread earlier here I had stated that I wished that the antis could read the thoughts of the members here regarding the Denver shooting. This group is enlightened and well rounded enough to possibly change at least a few view points.
This is a chance for us to make post on one of the anti discussion boards.

In a week or so I'll let you all know what type of responces I receive from the site. (I left my e-mail address accessable.

I just got back from Rosie's and I think you are trying to reason with a bunch of idiots.
I applaud your attempt.

Better days to be,

Well, the first response to your posting concerned the Rosie discussion board shouldn't be used for "soap boxing." It wasn't from an administrator, just another member.

Bruce Stanton
I checked it out and was reminded why I stopped participating at CNN, NY Times, etc.

They debate from an emotional level and distort truth and fact. To be honest I have more respect and empathy for the folks that feel that the 2ndA is outmoded because they fear guns, than those liars who claim some level of expertise on law/Consitution and claim their interpretation/lies are truth. The former are merely emotional and can indeed be reasoned with at some level; the latter are intellectually corrupt and dishonest and far, far more dangerous.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I went to the board to back you up. But when I got there the only reply to your topic was a quote from the moderator's page about using these boards for a "soap box". In other words, they didn't want to hear it, so they are trying to cut you off.
Frankly, after reading a few other threads and seeing the kind of unimformed air heads that post there, I came to the conclusion that I did not wish to register and make my e-mail address avalible to these morons.
On the positive side, you wrote an excellent piece. Hopefully some of these people will read it and begin to actually think for a change. I applaude your effort.
I couldn't find the thread that was mentioned, and the only Second Amend. thread I saw was extremely long.. so I started my own thread...

I talked mostly about the need for firearms education in schools, so that kids can learn to respect and responsibly use firearms.
I couldn't find your thread.

But, I did read the mammoth thread (more than 60 posts) about the Second Amendment.

I must say that I was aghast! By FAR most of the posts are pro gun. That Rosie board is so gooshy it made me nauseous with posts like "what was the last movie that made you cry, PART 4", and it had tons of replies. Anyway, not my kind of crowd, but that is okay...different strokes...
What I was surprised by is that on that touchy-feely board, there are tons and tons of people that disagree with Rosie. Read the thread...there are actually very few supporters of Rosie (that formualted enough of an opinion to write a post anyway). I was expected a big gun-bashing but instead read that many of the viewers, many of them housewives and teens, understand why guns are good overall.

I’m almost tempted to go back to rec.gardens and fire-up the “pa- Trollers”.

Last week I spent way to much time thoroughly frustrated over events and comments from the other side. The fact is we live in a nation with an ever increasing populace of fools.
Scott - I don't recall the source, but someone said something to the effect of "There's a finite amount of intelligence in the world, but the population keeps increasing."

The group over at R.O'D's forum makes the Gardens group look like the KLA.

"Are you shy and how do you deal with it?" has gotten many more responses than my diatribe...

I am starting to get seom responses to my post about gun education.

The two public replies have been very intelligent and positive, but I got one throught he Email that was predictably ignorant.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited April 26, 1999).]
I'll attempt to give the exact site here so that anyone wanting to can go directly to my post on Rosie,


Robs right finding your way around the site is....difficult. (Thanks modirators/administrators here!)
So far they haven't cut me off. Flo, the "soap box lady", and I are having a very pleasant discussion. ;)
I can see why that some of ya'll would not like to give them access to your e-mail address. Each time I go there I need a Tums and an increase in my blood preasure medication. I know that it probably will have no effect on most of the members there. (Hell most of them probably can't find their way around the site any way.) It is however an experiment, I'm trying to interject a little logical to the "are you shy and how do you deal with it" group and in the mean time I'm having fun playing the battle of lets be nice. :)

It does feel good though being here among friends and being able to scratch where it itches. Ah, sorry, ya'll can't really see that through your monitor any way.....can you? :D
I just got back from a visit to the Rosie forum. Yes, I read your exchange with Flo. I also read several other posts regarding the Colorado issue and guns in general. I find it interesting that, particularly on one thread, the folks that were spewing the take away the guns argument weren't even from the USA. In general, it seemed to me that several faithful posters kept things in balance. Knee-jerk diatribes were countered with a well-thought, factual statement. Even when the USA sucks and Canada is #1 started, none of the pro-gunners seemed to flame anybody.

Well done guys.

Detroit Area Chapter
Terra Haute Torque and Recoil Society
Gunslinger, you are an excellent writer, and I enjoyed your thread as well. You keep your temper well, and your prose is very cogent and courteous.

I get a kick out of the idea that you might be a 'troublemaker' for responding to Rosie's own tirade. You know, pointing out the illogic and historical danger posed by the anti-self defense crowd is just not playing fair. Just because Rosie started this fight doesn't mean you should respond, you old meanie. You're probably even a Republican or ... shhhh, a Libertarian. Shudder ...
Get this guys:

RosieLand is giving away free websppace.. 20 MEG....head over to:
http://rosie.acmecity.com/happy/282/ to see the site I put up using her WEbspace and eating up her bandwidth everytime someone checks it out.

you can get your own website at:

It took about 5-10 minutes...

Let's put some pro-gun propoganda on her site.
I just responded to the latest from Flo, the "soap box lady", on my thread at Rosies. While still being nice I am attmpting to draw out a few more regular Rosie members into the discussion. I'm being careful not to come across as a "gun nut" to add fuel to their anti gun fire but am having a difficult time solicitting members to respond. I'm beginning to wonder if the anti's on the site are avoiding being drawn in for fear of being proven wrong in their ideals. ??????

I'm curious to. What do those of you that have visited the thread think about this Flo? She remains an enigma to me and I'm having a difficult time getting a "read' on her.

I agree, Gunslinger.. One minute a typical detached liberal chipmunk, the next a relatively intelligent thinking person... hard to figure out.
Honest opinion? Bipolar chemical imbalance.

The members have made a pact on other threads not to respond to the gun topics any more. I guess that the real world is trampling on their flowery fantasy land. They like just chatting about their favorite colors, what movies make them cry, how to take better care of their cat, and I think they would rather keep their head in the sand about the real world. Not only that, but the pro-gun posters completely inundated them with logic, facts and history...and how can you argue after that? Many of them are actually pro-gun, and the other ones just don't have any arguments to back up their emotional theories, so they have made a pact to ignore the subject and go back to talking about how to prevent hairballs and arguing whether or not Rosie is a lesbian (the longest thread on the site). To each her own....

AKA "tinkiewinkie" :o

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited April 28, 1999).]