I need some help converting an anti


New member
normaly i would not waste my time with one this far gone this is a quote from my last conversation with her the subject comes up every time we talk "you only need hunting rifles and shotguns the only people who should have handguns are police ""there are a lot of guns people should not be alowed to have " i did not have time to get herto expand on the last part of that what guns thats beside the point like i said normaly i would not bother but this is my sister and i am going to have a week next month to try and at least mildly convert her any ideas on how to go about this arguments to use ect... would be greatly appeceated.

This is my answer to one such person.
The highlited part is relevant.
The Govts. lax attitude to ENFORCING LAWS, Revolving Door Prisons, PLEA BARGAINING, Political butt kissing, pandering to the "Touchy Feely "do-good" groups who believe that if you do nothing - nothing will be done to you is what really SUCKS ! Arrrggghhhhh....... This is for all Govts., not just the USA one. :(
Just remember that when you're being robbed/raped/murdered in YOUR OWN HOME & you YELL for help & a CCW neighbour hears your PLEAS for MERCY. He will call 911 & let the Police turn up AFTER the CRIME has been COMMITTED ! He will then have avoid putting his LIFE in DANGER & maybe even avoiding a Lawsuit by the Criminal. Yep guns are bad UNTIL you NEED ONE. Criminals are just THAT - They DON'T obey the LAW !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail

[This message has been edited by HS (edited November 01, 1999).]
This is a modified version of another poster's ploy:

It also depends upon where your sister lives.
response make be longer than minutes. Tell her, "Sis, say a BG is breaking down your door, with God Knows What in mind. Let's say that he is unusual in that he didn't cut the phone line, so you call 911. How long do you think it will take the police to get here
AFTER you've given your address to the dispatcher?"

Whatever number she comes up with, say, "OK,
let's start counting . . . ". You may even narrate the event as you see it - door pounding, then splintering, BG cursing, etc., but even if you both just sit there, her mind MUST be imagining all kinds of things. Time always seems to go slower when you're waiting, and imagining.

For shock treatment, get a 2'x6' strip of drawing paper and draw the outline of a body on it. Lay it down in some room and then have her come in. Tell her "That all the police can do, if you are unarmed. I never want to find that outline in your house!".

Finally, I like this phrase -- "You are expecting mercy from the merciless".

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
thanks for the answers so far. miss D if i get far enuogh with her that she is receptive then ill pass along her e mail
id like to hear the opinins of any others

Mrs. sbryce here.

I'd tell the true story of the office building my husband was in being shot up by a nut this past January. One woman was fatally wounded on the 4th floor. Left behind family which included a 3 month old child. My husband was on the 5th floor at the time. The nut didn't appear to be interested in aiming at people as she made 17 bullet holes around the lobby of the first floor, before she moved elsewhere in the building. What if she had been deliberately aiming at people? Then a few weeks later something similar happened just down the block, but my husband's building was affected too. The children and I sat at home and watched the news on tv and prayed.

At that time, we hadn't really given much thought to RKBA, much less done anything about it. Have now!!!

Though the media reported the true story only once before changing the party line, we later learned that the nut's shooting spree was halted by a brave citizen putting a .45 in her ear when she dropped her magazine to reload. He ordered her to the ground. She complied. He nudged her gun away from her with his foot. When the police arrived, the citizen put his .45 on the ground next to his CCW, backed up against a wall with his hands up. The police looked over both gun and CCW and told him he was free to go. Note: the brave citizen was in the building and available. The police were not. And of course the police have to protect themselves from becoming victims and have to enter such a "live" crime site very carefully. Our brave citizen didn't have to ease on into the building, concerned by any additional shooters. (For a while there was a rumor that there was a man shooting as well. Turns out the female had very short hair and bulky clothing, hence the mistaken identity.) Our brave citizen saw the events as they unfolded and was able to focus on the one threat he saw at the time.

Too bad the receptionist in the first floor lobby didn't have a gun, then the nut never would have made it up to the 4th floor. Of course, the criminals can always get guns no matter the law; they're lawbreakers by definition.

We were told this 'rest of the story' in a gun shop, then handed the business card of the brave citizen's instructor. Not rumor. Fact. If she needs more details, or to verify the story, please give her our e-mail address.

The handgun we purchased is for hubby to carry. I will not sit at home, surrounded by our children, all of us worried and wondering. The shotgun we purchased is for home defense. I want a smaller carry gun for myself when we can afford it.

A fellow named Stu I 'met' on another discussion board has a sig line I'm trying to memorize verbatim--I love it! "You might not like guns and choose not to own one. That is your right. You might not believe in God. That is your choice. However, if someone breaks into your home the first two things you're going to do are: 1)Call someone with a gun. 2)Pray they get there in time." So right, Stu.
One way to address this issue is to demonstrate the strength of your belifes.

Explain it to her this way......

What if someone took away one of your cherished freedoms, lets say Freedom of Speech. Would you fight to protect that right? Ask her, seriously, if she would fight to protect that right. If she says NO then you are wasting your time. If she says YES then explain to her that your beleifs in the second amendment are as strong as her beliefs in the first amendment. Explain to her that you so strongly beleive in our constitutional rights that you would kill to protect them and that this includes her precious freedom of speech. Then remind her that if some one where to take that precious freedom of speech then just how would she be able to defend that freedom? With her mouth? With a gun maybe? Tell her that this was the intent of the second amendment----- to give the ordinary citizen the means to fight against a tyranical government and that it was written by the very same people that wrote the first amendment. Tell her that the constitution is not an outdated document. It is an ageless document because it does not address any specific law like "you will drive 55 miles per hour". Tell her that the document is a valid today as it was 200 years ago because it addresses HUMAN NATURE and all its evils........ and human nature has not changed at all in 200 years. We still kill each other, seek to dominate each other, strive for power over someone else, ignore the plight of the less fortunate, the sick, and basically live out our lives for selfish reasons. The constitution puts in place a system of checks and balances to the evils in human nature and by affirming our rights also puts in place a means to keep our liberties and freedom. Tell her that your conviction and belief in the constitution are worth dying for....all the constitution......not just those parts that may be fasionable from time to time. Show her the strenght of your convictions. Maybe, just maybe, she'll say "Wow! I didn't know you felt so strongly about the issue. Maybe you have a point?"
I hate to sound self-serving, and at the risk of being flamed, I suggest giving her a copy of my book for Christmas. It's called, "The Best Defense: True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themselves with a Firearm". It has converted many liberals, and I think it might do the job. In fact, if you'll email me and send her address, I'll mail her a copy free gratis.

Check out my website for more info about the book.


Robert A. Waters
There is a lot of good advice and suggestions listed above. In regards to her comment concerning only police should have handguns I would like to offer this:
I am a peace officer. Not some political lapdog beauracrat driving a desk but someone who has worked Interstate highway as a single man unit for nearly fourteen years. At my urging my wife, my mother-in-law, my father-in-law, my sister-in-law and several of my personal friends now possess CHLs. I also have a brother, a mother and a sister who do not have CHLs (yet) but who keep a handgun or some other firearm at arm's reach.
In addition I live in a community where guns and the philosphy of self defense have a long, honored tradition. Do I feel threatened due to my profession? Hardly. Over the years I have requested assistance on several occasions and it has been an armed citizen who was first to arrive. After making several arrests at a scene it gives one a warm feeling to have a citizen come up and say "We weren't trying to get into your business, just wanted to make sure you were alright". I would not trade any law abiding citizen's rights under the Second Amendment for all the "security" in the world if those rights were usurped. Do you think she can get the view from my vantage point now?
Take care and God bless to all,
Hello Zip and all -

Along with the above mentioned...have you considered talking her into going to the range with you? Leave the big guns at home and just take some .22's to an uncrowded range. If she does go, I think she might realize that shooting can be fun and not all the bad stuff some people think they are. Then you can move ahead from there.
If all else fails, you can always try dropping her off in a lousy part of town after dark. ;)
Tell her to consider it an urban survival experience, a.k.a. a walk on the wild side.
Bestdefense: Thanks. I'm gonna order in bulk to have a bunch on hand for gifts for christmas and throughout the year - perfect gift, really - it keeps on giving, to you and to them by shedding light on the truth. Guys, that's an excellent gift idea for the many general acquaintances/relatives gift category.
ask her this question. If group of thugs was breaking down your door what are you going to do to protect your self and family?? Any answer that requires waiting more than 30 seconds means you die... now whats your answer?? Or try this one there has been a major disaster and there is no food at the stores how will your kids eat...mine will.
Having come from a background that felt it was our duty to convert folks to our beliefs, I have had some hard lessons. Based on these, and hopefully wandering into a small bit of maturity, I suggest a different tact.

I find myself believing that people only listen when they're ready to hear. Perhaps the best way to truly draw someone toward your side of the fence is to demonstrate your life as a healthy, happy, and productive member of society. In other words, be living proof that what you believe works very well for you.

I distrust anyone who tries to make arguments based on emotionalism and fear. Logic, I listen to- but many, if not most people will not be ready to hear a dramatically opposing viewpoint. The best thing we can do is convert by example.

