I need opinions about my rights


I move to North Carolina 2 yrs ago. I had a Fl carry license. I did what the laws dictated in NC .I went to NC permit class.When the license arrived at the address was wrong.
I went to the Macon county Sheriff`s office to correct issue. The desk Sgt really didn`t care one way or the other . In the meantime ,I misplaced license with the incorrect address(I figured wrong address better then nothing,right?). While in the process , (six weeks later)I luckily found misplaced license . It`s a good thing ,Sgt just couldn`t straighten things out with the powers that be in Raleigh. He was starting to get annoyed with me ,about my license issue. Yesterday, I did a wash , yep, my wallet was in my pants! I now have all my important papers (including my carry license ,with the wrong address) in a lump ,roughly the size of a golf ball! Careless,yes,Irresponsible ,yes,stupid,yes. I`ve got to face this guy Monday. What would you guys do? I know courtesy ,& remorse are proper. What Else? Charlie
I did that once, I was able to pull the documents apart carefully. Then went over them with the wife's steam iron and let them set to dry. It worked okay until I could get replacements.
I wish I could,but they have the consistency of spaghetti! Now it`s dried spaghetti! I`m concerned whether or not the Sgt. could say ,no more permit. I know I`ve got the Second Amendment but he could a real stinker.
I would be very polite to the officer, explain what happened, and show him your new lump o' paper. :D Be very nice and see if the guy can help you out.

JMHO: If you go in there screaming about your 2nd Amendment rights, you'll (deservedly) get no where. Just FYI, you don't have a Constitutional Right to carry a concealed weapon. At least I've never seen a State of Federal case holding that you have such a constitutional right. Your right to carry concealed is probably granted strictly by a State statute. Be nice, and the officer will probably help you. Complain about a non-existant Constitutional right, and you'll probably get no help at all. No offense intended, JMHO. Good luck!
Thanks Fremmer. You catch more bees with honey ,rather than vinegar. We`ll see what happens. Maybe I`ll bring my fiance ,she`s done 23 yrs ,with Plantation Police. Lady cops use their heads more than their mouths sometimes! However, she can shoot that 92 F ! She was always high score for her 6mo requals!
Whe you go into the office in Franklin remember to speak slowly and don't use big words. Most of the officers are pretty good guys but some are impressed with who they think they are. good luck.