I need help from some younger members.


New member
I was watching tv the other day, when I saw a commercial from some group that was protesting gun violence.
In the commercial, the guy says something like: "My brother was killed while he was on top of the Empire State building, This is why I became interested in this project. So far, we have registered over one million people to vote in the comming election. We want to do something about gun violence."
At the bottom, it says, rock the vote.
Who is this person? I assume it's a member of some rock group, because the " rock the vote" slogan was used on MTV.
Can anyone help?

Well, I am a little younger if you compare me to some geological formations ;) but I'm older than most here. I believe this is the info you are looking for:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Daniel Gross, Executive Director
Daniel is the older brother of Matthew Gross, the lead singer of the alternative rock band The Bushpilots, who was critically wounded in the February 1997 shooting atop the Empire State Building. Since this incident Daniel has become heavily involved in the anti-gun violence movement, making numerous appearances both nationally and locally on television, radio and in print. His passion and visibility has led to acclaim from prominent members of both the political and the anti-gun violence communities. A senior member of Congress has described Daniel as "one of the leading spokespersons for the anti-gun violence movement." Prior to starting PAX, Daniel was a Partner at J. Walter Thompson, where he managed development of strategy and advertising for accounts such as Kodak, Warner Lambert and Lipton. Daniel was named Partner at J. Walter Thompson in 1995 at the age of 28, making him one of the youngest ever to reach that position. Daniel resigned his Partnership to co-found PAX. He received his B.S. degree in Psychology and Economics with honors from Tulane University in 1989[/quote]
The orginization is that friend of Levis Jeans, PAX. PAX is definatly anti-gun and pro gun control, if control means control them until there are no more.
Here is the url: http://www.paxusa.org/info_set.html

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited November 27, 1999).]
Well, I've crossed the threshhold into my 30s, and I'm not a big fan of MTV (I prefer substance-oriented programming), but I do remember them putting on (or at least participating in) a campaign to get more voting-age folk get more involved in the democratic :o process. Strange that it coincided with the 1992 presidential campaigns (Bill and Al were really trying to woo the twentysomething and younger voters, if you recall).


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Hal,thanks very much for the information.
I was just curious to see who that guy and his organization were. They obviously have enough funding to run ads in a good time slot.

Ulfilas, I too, have accended to that higher plane of the 30's. I'ts funny that now I have to get 200 channels to find 2 that have any substance.

I'm in my 20's, never heard of the guy. MTV is nothing but blatant propaganda being shoveled into undereducated and ignorant young minds. I really want to know who subsidizes them. Their viewership is extremely small, I don't see how they could be profitable. last I heard it peaked around 300k viewers for some award ahow.
That "Rock the Vote" thing is MTV's way of saying, "Get your stoned ass off the couch and go to the voting booth."

Yeah, there's a good idea: let's take a bunch of no-life-having slackers and EMPOWER them. What could possibly go wrong?

Coinneach, old grumpy and 30.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Im in the last year of my 20's, :( and I never heard of this band before. If the guy was shot at the Empire State building, why go anti-gun and not pro-gun? I would think he would speak up for self defense or CCW's? *PINCH* Oh ok I am awake now ;). To be honest I dont watch MTV all that much, just when the old stuff is on. I do know that the rock the vote thing is all anti-gun, its probably on that site. I'm surprised that AL Gore isn't having a special on there like Bill did.
I don't watch MTV. First of all it's not even music television anymore. They show videos for what, one hour a day and that's at like four in the morning or something. Second, Beavis & Butthead aren't on anymore. Yes, that was a stupid show but it was amusing. Of course, the Simpsons are way better.
The rock the vote thing is interesting, and ought to be a good idea even though it isn't. The loser's that are getting signed up don't have an interest in politics, otherwise they would've been registered already. They will believe anything they are told by the crusaders that convinced them to register. We don't need more numbskulls in the voting booth.
I hope it doesn't sound like I'm blanketing all young folks as morons. I'm not. In fact, I'm 23 and am pretty sure I'm not dumb.
Second, those people are registering to vote. Are they actually making it to the polls? I doubt it.
It's just more feel-good politics that either do nothing or do bad things for the country.
First to identify myself I am 25 and don't watch mtv But when I am not listening to talkradio I do listen to the rock stations. I have never heard of the band but I am sure this punk is loving all the free publicity he is getting from this BS cause. This rock the vote is a joke the kids I see don't vote and they think they care but these guys are idiots. Just an example a guy I know was in washington this week along side these kids protesting the WTO My freind asked them hey where were your shoes made and your jeans, shirts, cameras. The answer was china their toyota cars and their subarus. They just looked at him like huh? And these kids protesting for peta, wearing leather shoes. These kids are morons and I see it from my wife @ college. This PC garbage is brainwashing my generation.