I need computer help

Miss Demeanors

New member
Sorry I dont know where else to post this, I am having a weird computer problem and am hoping someone can help. I am having problems with Netscape. It will be working fine for about an hour then all of a sudden it freezes and will not let me get into any more websites. The only way to get it to work again for a little while is to turn the computer off for a few hours, but it only works for a little while. I can get into Explorer no problem, but I prefer Netscape. I tried uninstalling Netscape then went and downloaded it again. (4.7) and it is still doing the same thing. I don't understand what the problem is, is it my computer or is it Netscape and is there any way I can fix it? Oh please help! :)
I dunno how to fix it, but Netscape occasionally does weird things. I had a similar problem on another computer...

Hang in there; somebody here can help.

Later, Art
It is Netscape! I am having the identical problem with 4.7! If I reboot it works fine, sure glad I have IE5!

John - NRA - Lifer
4.7 isnt the best version is it?

Try cleaning out your cache.
if that doesnt help try reinstalling Netscape or go with another browser... IE or one of the others... Neoplanet (which has improved recently), Opra, etc.

Or do what I am going to do very soon - buy a MAC! I am breaking donw and getting an iBook in a couple weeks. SICK of all these PC problems.

Oh - wait...

Is Rainbow Six out for the MAC? Reconsidering...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Unfortunately nothing can be done. Netscape has a problem with the way it caches website and uses virtual memory. A reboot is the only thing that will clear the problem.
Since 4.5, Netscape has done two things which I liked a lot. The first they did was that rather than trying to beat the competition with "more", they've stayed with basically what they had and tried to make it "better". The second thing is that they've gone open source. The result is a leaner, cleaner browser. I think this is a far better paradigm than the typical, "more is better" approach, which leads to more features, but more bugs and problems. But, why is still seem more buggy? My uninformed, unsubstantiated opinion is that since 4.5, people have begun to tinker with the engine itself; something Netscape didn't do prior. That's why I think the older browsers seemed more reliable.

Internet Explorer 5 is still clinging on to the "more is better" approach. Though proprietary, it's hard deny Microsoft's vast amount of resources available at their disposal.

Despite advances in both fronts, the truth is that both browsers are still buggy in their own ways. I used Netscape exclusively, while my wife is still using IE5 exclusively. And both of us were still crashing roughly once a day.

I got so fed up with the crashes, I've decided to try something radical. Typically, I like to have anywhere from 3 to 8 windows open. I may download in one, read forums on another, and download yet another page on the third for example. Don't always care for frills or graphics, I want them to load up as fast as possible. Most importantly, I am sick and tired of crashes. My user profile just happened to fit Opera perfectly. And that's what I'm using right now, Opera 3.60. I've only been using it for the past week or so. So far, I am happy to say that I have YET to experience a single crash at home, despite the increased demands I've placed on this browser. The ONLY time I've ever experienced a crash was when I ran it from a lab and tried to load ONE Geocities site. Forgot which. But I am inclined to think that this is an isolated incident since I wasn't doing anything else but loading that one site. And this occured in the computer lab, where the computer wasn't mine. Still, it didn't crash my windows though. I just re-ran Opera and picked up where I left off!

There's another reason why I am heavily focused on Opera. Through their program called "Project Magic", they've already ported a beta version over to BeOS. Now, this is way off the beaten track, but can you imagine the kind of potential the combination of BeOS and Opera has?!? Both are designed from the ground up to be, among other things, rock solidly dependable. In my limited experience so far, Opera has proven to be more crash-resistant in Windows than both IE5 and Netscape combined. But the BeOS version is still Beta, so I don't recommend even trying it yet.

Anyway, give Opera a try. Their browser is smaller than a floppy disk to download and it's a free 30-day evaluation. I don't think their latest version will disappoint you. If you like it and really want to get exotic, try to get BeOS running on the side and wait for BeOpera to release. In fact, E-mail Opera and encourage them to get moving. No browsers are crash-proof. But BeOS and Opera? I've always wanted to see what's it like to drive a Humvee and a Ferrari at the same time. :)

[This message has been edited by SB (edited October 27, 1999).]
Yep...the newest Netscape sucks. Best to hunt for an older version...no higher than 4.6

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I am so relieved to hear others have the same problem! The guy at the computer store thinks I am crazy, I tried explaining it to him and he said its my modem!!!! I knew it wasnt that because I would have other problems. Right? I dont think I am that computer illerate. :) So what other kinds of browers are good? I really dont like IE because I have to hit refresh everytime I post something for me to be able to see it. So the MAC's do not do this? I too am sick of all these PC problems.

John Hunter! I didn't know you post here too! Ram told me you were having some problems with the boards last week, so now I know its Netscape. Glad its not my computer.

How do I clean out the cache? Is that the temp internet files?

I am now an NRA member! :)
I use a stripped-down version of Netscape 4.0 on my old 68040 Mac. I trashed the mail and Java functions and got it down to a bit more than 3 Megs fully loaded. I'm short on RAM and HD space. The only trouble I have is when the cache gets full. Dump it often, and it works ok. (Under Edit-Preferences-Advanced is where you find the cache settings, in my version, YMMV.) slabsides

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
Opera is a good Program. I like it...
But it is more for a techie as its a little different from what people are used to.
You can download it for free at try it out - see if you like it.

I never have fewer than 8 windows open at any given time - and I use both Netscape and IE both at the same time quite often. Some sites prefer one over the other.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Miss D,

Glad you had a great first range experience earlier this months. CONGRATULATIONS.

To clean up a Netscape cache:
a) Open Windows Explorer
b) Find your current, in-use Netscape program (it may be in Program Files, under Netscape, or in some other location based on your local Internet provider's name).
c) Open "Users" within Netscape
d) You may next find a user name (yours ?)
e) Open "Cache" under "Users" and likely "Name"
f) Put the Cache's "Fat" file on your desktop
g) Select all the remaining files in cache
h) Delete them to your "recycle bin"
j) After checking that your PC and Netscape boot-up/load properly, empty the recycle bin

Hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by RWK (edited October 28, 1999).]
I use Macs at work (PowerMac with Sonnet G3 card and 192Mb RAM) and this machine (at home) is a PC-clone with 400Mhz board and 64Mb RAM.

The Mac prefers IE4.5 for speed, but it "locks up" at least once or twice a day. (Mind you, I'm on the Net for at least 9 hours a day!) Usually I can "Force quit" without rebooting. Typically, I'll have 3 windows open at once, and probably PageMaker as well.

This PC is much more stable on Netscape (Win 98), but it still "crashes" on me about once a week. With this little RAM (64Mb), I never have more than two windows open concurrently, and nothing else open at the same time. When it does crash, I have no option but to hot boot it.

Guess it all goes to prove computers ain't perfect -- which is a comforting thought :)
