I need an FFL dealer in Southern California!!!


New member
I am having a HECK of a time finding a good FFL dealer here in SoCal. They all want to screw me hard when I try to order something. Some of them just refuse, and the "nicest" ones want to charge me %10 plus tax. By the time I get it I am paying almost %20 just to have a gun delivered (and I wonder if they are really reporting that tax or pocketing it?).
All I want to do is have a used gun that I want to buy from an individual delivered to me! Everyone here in SoCal just wants to screw everyone else, and the FFL's are no exception. It was never this difficult in Arizona, they were all so cool.

Does anyone know of someone ANYWHERE in SoCal who is cool and will allow me to order a rifle through them for a reasonable expense? I don't mind paying a few bucks for their trouble, but good grief...

Times have sure changed....the first pistol (hi-power),i ever bought i purchased in Maryland after I was discharged from the Navy and sent to Elpaso tx to a store Id never been to....and the charge including shipping was less than $20.00 and if i recall that belgium made target sighted browning cost less than $400.00......Ive found that establishing a relationship with the local dealers have helped immensely, fubsy.
Try Warner's Gun Room in Fullerton, CA. The store is on Commonwealth Av, just east of Euclid Av (take the Euclid offramp from the 91 freeway and turn north). Hang a left on Euclid (on to Commonwealth), about a mile or so up.

I was in this store last week and was surprised by the low prices (for the West Coast). For instance, he is selling a new Beretta 96 for $489, which is lower than I have seen anywhere in these parts.

His inventory is small, so my guess is that he orders what people want. The store has been in the same location since the 1960s. It is worth a look. Good luck.

[This message has been edited by Trevor (edited April 25, 1999).]
Try California Police Equipment Co. Their located at 4151-C El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92105. Phone #(619)280-1199 Fax (619)280-7867. They are the place Gun shop in the San Diego area. They are very helpful to their customers. They would probably give you a good deal.
Thanks all, that will help, and I will look into Fullerton.

I actually had a very bad experience at CA Police Equip Co. They sold me a defective Streamlight and then refused to take it back three days later after I had gotten home and found out (and had called them the morning after I bought it to tell them I was coming back ASAP). Not only did they refuse to stand behind the product they just sold me, but I was super nice and just wanted to exchange it for a non-defective one, and they were EXTREMELY rude, no matter how nice I tried to be. I got stuck with it in the end, paid good money for a Streamlight that has a worse beam than my $15 Maglight. That kind of experience kinda sticks with you.

Anyway, the flashlight is less of an issue to me than the rude demanor. If I hadn't gone out of my way to be so very polite, and they had not been so extremely rude, I would not be bitter...but I am.

It looks like I might have to try Fullerton.

thanks again,