I don't know if I've ever told this one here:
When my parents were just starting out, mom worked at a fabric store in the next town over. Dad and his brother went to pick her up one day. Now, you have to understand that Mr. Heinz, the owner of the store and now my neighbor, is a collector of firearms himself. Dad and his brother brought two CASED shotguns into the store to show him, then took mom home.
The nitwits working on a new bank building next door called the police and reported that two armed men had tried to rob the bank. Keep in mind that the "bank" was a trailer and the foundation and partial frame of the new bank building--no vault, no cash, no business.
This report came to the attention of the FBI, and that's who investigated. Dad didn't find out about it until mom realized she was being followed home from work one day and checked into things.
Why is this important? Because even though the whole thing was cleared up to everyone's satisfaction back then, about ten years later when dad applied for his FFL he nearly didn't get it because there was a "flag" from the FBI in his background. Took longer to clear THAT up than the original goofiness, I think.
To top all this off, one of the workers who reported a robbery later became my football coach--and he wasn't bad.....strange things happen in small towns. I didn't find out about the whole thing until last year, because dad didn't think I'd be interested in some story...