I need a barrel for a Remington 7400 243


I just received a 7400 from a very lucky friend of mine.He left the bore sight mandrel in the barrel and fired it! Instant banana peel effect.He is fine but the barrel is shot :p .He cut it off to around 12" long and it still shot (very dangerous).It is very very clean just needs a barrel.I know a 243 would be the best idea but I would love it in 6mm or 308 if I can get a used barrel.
I really dont care about the condition cosmetically of the barrel.If anyone has one or knows where I can get one please let me know.


P.S The barrel is no longer on the gun since it is junk!
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PS- If the barrel is in your possession, along with the action, you are in "constructive possession" of an illegal Short Barreled Rifle.

Not trying to be a jerk, just letting you know where the law stands.
Thanks for the info.

Thanks for letting me know but it isn't a problem.It had long since been removed from the action.I have everything but the barrel.He took it to a local gunsmith and left it to be fixed but they could never find a barrel so here we are.I may luck into a used 7400 243 thats rough at a pawn shop and just buy the whole gun for the parts I need.

Thanks Again
Have you called Numrich to see if they plan on getting anymore barrels in. they currently list them but are out of stock.
I just checked e-bay and there are 2 for the 742, you might want to check and see if they would work.
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Do you have your heart set on a .243 barrel?

Anything with the same action length and cartridge rim should work...

Find a .308 barrel...
Don't forget that headspace must be checked and possibly adjusted. Your bolt may not match up with the barrel and extension. These parts are not necessarily interchangeable. GW
Remington does not sell barrels for installation by others, but you can call their service center in your area (it might be quite far from you) to see if they can install a barrel.