I misplaced my teddy bear..


New member
Well, truck fixed, drove up to Moshannon State Forest this morning.
Walked in 2 miles in 12" of snow. Trail brought us in where i wanted to hunt from downwind.
Came out into a field between the power line and the gas line.
Looking around trying to figure out where to go, happened to look towards one section of trees, and saw bear cruising along the edge of the field about 200 yards away.

He stopped, cross hairs settled center/center and 140gr Ballistic Tip from my 280 sent.
Knocked him down. Rolled around briefly, got up and ran away. Great!! Chasing a wounded bear.
Heavy blood trail. Followed it about 500 yards or so. Then he went down the side of the mountain.
Search resumes in the morning.

While searching for the bear i hit, we came across 3 other sets of tracks.
(?? It feels odd congratulating a paused tracking effort. But still seems reasonable and right... ??)

Be safe when you head back out.
Walk softly but carry a big (boom)stick.
Best of luck!

May I ask why the Ballistic Tip was your bullet of choice for bear? No incriminations intended! Just curious
I used the Ballistic Tip due to lack of bullets on hand right now. It was that, or a 140gr. Berger VLD Hunting. I chose the Ballistic Tip.

Well, we parked the truck at first light. Went in from bottom of the mountain, along the creek bed. Found his tracks, and into the pines along the creek bottom. 45 in hand.
Crossed the creek, and i spied a flat faced "rock"? 15' high by 50 ft long.
Tracks right up to the base. Den found.
Got the headlights out and shined them in. Saw eyes looking back. He gave us kind of a growl/grunt..

We backed out, and as cliche as it sounds, tossed a couple glazed donuts over and walked away.
I wasn't about to shoot him in his den. Seemed alert, so i don't think i hit him anywhere near as bad as i thought.
I wasn't about to shoot him in his den. Seemed alert, so i don't think i hit him anywhere near as bad as i thought.

Sounds like the ethical way to hunt. As for the hit, when I read this I had my doubts....

Heavy blood trail. Followed it about 500 yards or so.

While I've only blood trailed a few bear, every whitetail I bloodtrailed like you described, turn out to be a non-lethal muscle hit. Amazing how much blood one can lose and not bleed to death. Heavy blood in a lethal hit means one finds the animal long before 500 yards. Blood on snow can be very deceiving. Unless it's really cold the warm blood melts the snow it lands on and dilutes making it look like 2-3 times as much.

Good luck in your quest for another one!
I should point out that the blood trail stopped some 50+ yards before he got into the pines.
So he wasn't bleeding the whole way to his den.
In Soviet Russia, teddy bear finds YOU.;)

That account really got some adrenaline going though, I was wondering if you guys did locate the bear, and most importantly, safely? Wounded bears are angry and merciless and it was good that it did not storm out of it's den right at you. I've read enough Gary Paulsen stories to know that if you are going after bears, better be fully committed and dedicated to that task, otherwise it is a one-way trip. Better luck on the next hunt