I met with some famous pro-gun people this weekend!

Miss Demeanors

New member
Saturday night my sister dragged me along to see some band at a local bar here, so she could meet some gutairist. The name of the band was 'The Storm' but I never really heard of them. Well we get there, get the front table and get introduced to these guys. I guess The Storm has a few CD's out and have been around for awhile now (I didnt hear of them though), so they are pretty famous I guess. Anyways it turns out that all these other bands are there. No famous bands but some famous people. Kelly Keagy from Night Ranger was there, Jim (I forget his long last name now) the lead singer from .38 special, and the lead singer from Survivor. (I know big deal) At the end of the night they were all sitting at the table with us buying us drinks :). Well Miss D drank a little too much and what do I talk about? GUNS! :) I asked them if they were pro-gun and to my amazement they are! I told them the whole story about how I went shooting and everything else. Kelly Keagy hear AR15 and pulled his chair closer LOL he said they shoot all the time out in California and he has shot all kinds of guns before. I cant remember now what he owns but he has 3 or 4 guns. Anyways, after talking with these people I told them about my boards and these boards! LOL Sadly, I dont think I wrote down the correct URL's, I was a little 'blank' from all the free drinks :). Maybe they will stop in if my handwriting is legible, if not my sister has a date this week with the guitarist of the storm, so I will try and get them to stop in. I told them all about TFL and they said that was great that there are so many people involved standing up for the Constitution. Oh ya, and they dont like Rosie at all! LOL No further comment about that, but we had a good laugh! We had a great time though, they are all nice people, although my sister felt awkward when we were talking about guns (she is an anti). Of course I blurted out "Will someone please talk some sense into my sister she hates guns" glad we are blood because anyone else would have smacked me! :) So they were talking to her a little and I told her if she wants to try shooting I would go with her (and bring along someone to teach her of course). So she said she would think about it. :) Maybe I will get her to convert? Not going to push her but I told her my offer is always open. Keep your fingers crossed.

Besides that......there is a little 'fight' at the Rosie boards that I think I may have unintentionally started, that made its way to my boards now. One of my friends from there is a 'fence sitter' and has lots of questions. I invited her to come here and ask away. She is going to email me back and let me know, if she decides I'll start a thread for her and maybe you all can help her out ;).Looks like I am on a roll this week!
As Martha Stewart would say, an occassional fight "is a good thing".

Keeps your brain sharp, your blood flowing and your joints loose. :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Cool, Miss D. It would certainly make both your lives easier and safer if your sister came around--but that's a BIG step. Sometimes we forget how big.

Don't feel too bad about the fight on your boards, I'm pretty sure I started that by posting the word "gun" on the Rosie board, so that's my bad. I tried to kinda rise above the subsequent flame war on your board but it didn't work out too well. Kept the mud off me, but not much else. Oh well.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron