I love you TEXAS

Austin Cowart

New member
Ok guys and gals texas is the best handgun state in this nation.The new Castle Doctrine Bill went into effect as of Sep. 1 2007. This new bill allows handgun owners to defend their property PERIOD! That means your backyard your front yard and YES even your car without having to have a CCL. Also the travle loop hole "if youll call it that" has been defined. You no longer have to prove anything. The easiest way to learn more in my opinion is to just go out and buy the newest edition of Texas Monthly in SA. also look up house bill HB1815. Although Senate Bill SB534 did not pass. This would have allowed you to carry a firearm into your jobs parking lot.

It's certainly not the best, but it indeed is good. There is much still to improve, but those will come with time.
As soon as we get open carry we might just rank up there with the best, until then we are just a second tier Handgun state.
I'm not too sure about Texas being the best. It gets a D- from the Brady report card, while my home state (Louisiana) gets an F.
True True

Im sorry guys I just make due with what I have! I love my state so dang much thats all i didnt mean it literally as the best state. Wait what am I saying Texas is Gods Country!

Can't wait for the nut-jobs to hear about this. Soon enough they'll be shooting people for something like, say, a can of beer. Oh, wait, that just happened in Houston.

Furthermore, I've been hearing numerous people (those without CHL but still carry illegally) stating that they will kill anyone who even attempts a very petty theft.
nut jobs?

But honestly if you think about it a "nut job" is going to shoot someone whether or not they are within the boundaries of the law. People are stupid and yes some will take this law too far but that happens with anything. At least now I can carry my pistol in my car in SA and in Houston where the D.As have made it very very very clear that they will prosecute any and all people caught with a handgun in the vehicle and without a license. I know the law and I know what constitutes using lethal force I’m just glad the Texas legislator has finally cleared up some of the grey areas.
Can't wait for the nut-jobs to hear about this. Soon enough they'll be shooting people for something like, say, a can of beer. Oh, wait, that just happened in Houston.

Furthermore, I've been hearing numerous people (those without CHL but still carry illegally) stating that they will kill anyone who even attempts a very petty theft.

I don't know the particular story in Houston, and really don't care. People have shot/stabbed/clubbed each other to death for trivial things since the beginning of time with or without castle doctrine. The people who do so are nuts and no law for or against self defense is going to either inhibit or encourage them. Killers and nuts care little about the law, or for that matter what kind of tool is at hand.

If people start killing people for a "petty theft" they are still going to find themselves in a world of trouble. The whole point of this law is to give the law abiding person who DOES know the law the latitude to make snap judgments and react while there is still time to react.

Colorado has had the castle doctrine for "in home" since the 1980's (it wasn't a new thing in Florida ... just for outside the home). The only thing it's done is given those of us who do know the law an advantage if we ever suffer a home invasion.

Under non-castle doctrine laws, you have to try to figure out what that guy who just broke down your door at 2:00 a.m. is going to do. Is he armed? Is he headed for my kid's room? Is he just going to get the stereo? And while you're making these decisions he's only 10 feet away, and if he works up the courage to charge at you he may take that gun away or at least get a knife into your stomach before you can react.

With castle doctrine ... the law is on MY side and NOT the side of the 2:00 a.m. intruder. I don't have to be a tactical expert. I can use deadly force as soon as I see the need without fear of the consequences. I can keep my family safe.

Many states have had this law, like Colorado for better than 2 decades, and there haven't been people killed for "petty crimes." A few times the judges have been a little more "liberal" with the law than I would like (like allowing someone to shoot a BG who's already left the premises and is getting in his car) but if the law has to err (and it does, it's a human system) I would rather it err on the side of the victim rather than the criminal.

Castle doctrine is good for everyone.
Im sorry guys I just make due with what I have! I love my state so dang much thats all i didnt mean it literally as the best state. Wait what am I saying Texas is Gods Country!

I've been to Texas, Austin. You may have that reversed.:eek:

I believe a brief trip to Colorado, where our laws are far better (except for some limited exclusions on reciprocity the demo's slipped through) than those in Texas is in order. It will open your EYES to what paradise is. :D:D

Honestly I still cant get past the fact that yall have real snow! Again Im happy right now with what we have. Even more specific Im glad I can now tell the San Antonio DA "UP YOURS!"

In NH, there's no qualification or course needed for CCW, just $10 and not being a criminal. Trust is an inherent thing.

There's no registration. No permit of any kind is needed to have a loaded gun at home or an unloaded gun in your vehicle or on your person. CCW is only needed for loaded gun carried on your person or in your vehicle.

Lethal force is permitted for not only self-defense, but also to stop an act of sexual assault, arson or kidnapping. Expanded castle doctrine was only blocked by the idiotic Democrat governor, but since he'll be out next term, that'll go through.

You can have evil EBR features, AOWs, NFAs, Class III, silencers and unlimited mag capacity.

I don't know about "best", there... :)
Ah, but Texas is the only place where you can shoot people for "mischief in the night time*."

*don't actually try that justification
Let me make a couple of points. First, Texas will not be the best handgun state until we have Vermont-style carry laws. And, I don't expect that to happen in my lifetime. Remember that the new vehicle law was passed to stop some over-zealous, left-wing DA's from ignoring the changes made in the travelling law by the 2005 legislature.

Second, anyone who has only been to The People's Democratic Republic of Austin has not seen TEXAS. I live in Austin, and I can testify that this is one of the most left-wing, socialist areas in Texas. All county offices are filled in the Democratic primary. A Republican can barely get elected in one or two of our legislative districts. And, the Democrats here all love the likes of Hillary and Obama.
+1, TF....

And, until we modify the CHL law to Vermont standards (i.e. no license required), we still have a lot to fight for.....

Texas is found outside of the big cities with liberal mayors & dopey DA's......
At least now I can carry my pistol in my car in SA and in Houston where the D.As have made it very very very clear that they will prosecute any and all people caught with a handgun in the vehicle and without a license.

The DA here in Houston will tell you that you may beat the crime, but you'll not beat the time.

You'll be cleared of carrying without a permit, but you'll still go to jail, have to bail out, pay a lawyer, and go through the hassle of a court appearance.

So you'll be a winner, but you won't really win. ;)
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The new Castle Doctrine Bill went into effect as of Sep. 1 2007. This new bill allows handgun owners to defend their property PERIOD! That means your backyard your front yard and YES even your car without having to have a CCL.

Texas law never did require you to retreat unless a "reasonable man" would. In other words, if you can walk away from it; walk away. The changes in the law do not create free fire zones.

The Castle Doctrine does establish your domain to be home, work or business and automobile but the most important point is that you cannot be sued in civil court if you are not charged in criminal court and that was always the weak point. You may have been rightfully defending yourself and not charged but then you find yourself being sued by the family of the poor, misunderstood deceased villain and it can cost a lot of money to fight a case like that.

That means your backyard your front yard and YES even your car without having to have a CCL. Also the travle loop hole "if youll call it that" has been defined. You no longer have to prove anything.

Texas always did have a "traveling" exemption which allowed you to have a handgun "on or about your person" while traveling but there was no definition of "traveling" and it was not a defense against prosecution. The general understanding was that traveling meant out of your home county and staying away overnight, at least, but each case was tried on its own merit and it was up to the defendant to prove that they were actually traveling.

Not much has changed. Traveling has now been defined but it is not a defense against prosecution. The difference is that now it is up to the prosecutor to prove that you were not traveling. Consider that it may be difficult to convince Judge or jury that you were traveling if you are stopped a short distance from your home and your vehicle is not packed with luggage.

Many counties have publicly stated that they will continue to prosecute and DPS has posted a notice regarding that on their website. I wouldn't want to be the test case just to prove a point.

The easiest way around it is to get a CHL.
well the wonderful thing

But if you think besides the fact that traveling has been defined the C.D.A. now defines your car as your domain therefor rendering it impossible for a D.A. to prosecute period reguardless of what they want people to think. And Nemesis If you would have read my other posts You would have seen that I already said what you have said.