I love the Remington style Derringer!


New member
I have two a .22 and a .38 and shoot both a lot!
Just plain FUN guns which also can have a practical application in a pinch too.
Yea, I know all the arguments against em but there's a good reason they are still made.
Mabye a poor man's street survival gin, maybe just fun to shoot?
No matter what, I love mine, especially the .38!
How bout you other owners?
I had a .22 and .357. :eek:
The rimfire was fun, but the one time I tried the .357 the grips shattered and took out a piece of my hand.
Never mind, the .38s were tough enough out of that little monster.
Must have got the idea from watching all those Paladin westerns.
He had one hidden behind the buckle of his gun belt.
Long gone, both of them.
Paladin, too.
I had one made by Davis years ago in 38 spl. It was pretty fun to play with. I will pick up another one of these days. I would love a Bond in 45LC.
HAWG, What happened??
He was a bartender and kept it in his shirt pocket. One night after closing he was cleaning up and opened a door under the bar and leaned over. The gun fell out of his pocket and hit the floor on the other side of the door and went off. The bullet went through the door and hit him in the heart.
Oh my gosh! That's such a terrible accident. The one that I had, I didn't really trust it to load it any where other than the firing line.