I love the Lee Auto Disk


New member
When I got my first powder measure to charge on the press I went with the then new Lee Auto Drum. It was cool to finally be able to throw a charge while I belled the mouth, but it wasn't the most consistent, probably between +/-.15 grains. Fine for anything that I planned to shoot in the Redhawk or any .38 loads I would shoot in .357, but for anything like 10mm near max? Nope.

So, I bought the Auto Disk because I wanted something that would work with Accurate #9 for .327 and while it leaks, it throws a consistent charge every time and it does it with any powder I use. Now, I can't get exactly to the tenth of a grain for the charge I want, but because it's so consistent I find myself using it more and more frequently.

Anyone else here love the Lee Auto Disk?
I hate my auto disc and because of that I went with the auto drum . I have maybe 30+ load combos I'd use the auto disc for . There is a total of two that the disc’s are actually accurate for . Of those 30+ load , My auto drum can load every single one . I even bought a secound auto drum for rifle so I don’t need to change out the inserts . That is the auto drums achilles’ heel . I’ve found there is a very small window between to loose and to tight and messing with the set screw can derail a load session . I’ve also went with graphite spray lube to get the insert a bit tighter while still being able to fully rotate . This reduces leakage and seems to help with consistency .
Haha , I forgot about the charge bar lee makes . I have one :o and it works just fine , not good with fine adjustments but gets you close to most pistol size charges .
I really like my Lee Auto Disk. I also got the double disk and it’s great for .223 and 30-30 size loads. I find my Auto Disk to be very consistent and accurate.
I've never tried that one but I have the Lee Perfect powder measure and it's great with extruded powders that give my Lyman fits.

" and while it leaks, it throws a consistent charge every time and it does it with any powder I use."

A you-tuber used a piece of sandpaper on a flat surface to remove a tiny amount of material from the AD body. Reducing the gap and reducing the leak.
It worked for me.
Auto disc, meh, Auto disc pro is great. I also have a couple auto drums and for certain powders they work great. I customize the cavities with a tapered reamer to match my worked up loads. This is for pistol, I also have the double disc conversion on one and it works great as well by also customizing the cavities for exact loads with the reamer.
I've got like 7 of them....all set up for dedicated calibers. What does that tell you?

The microadjust disk works good. So does taking a spare auto-disk, selecting a cavity, drilling a screw into it, and then moving the screw in or out of the cavity to vary the load.
That's the spirit! May I suggest you invest in a tapered reamer with a T-handle? That will even let you get between drill sizes.

The next level of perfection after that comes with a much heftier price tag. You need a lathe. This will let you turn perfect discs at exactly the right height and dead flat on both ends for zero leakage. A boring bar for the lathe will let you split thousandths on the hole diameter.
HATED my Autodisk. It worked reasonably well as long as you were dropping ball type powders. As soon as you needed to throw something of a flake type powder such as Unique the weight consistency was unacceptably poor. You will love your Auto Disk until you try the RCBS Uniflow.