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I like the new font.

I just noticed the new font myself.

I think it is Helvetica, or maybe Arial.

The Firing Line - Keeping our members on the cutting edge of the latest font technology. :)
I thought it was my settings or something. Yeah it looks good.

Well I said that and after I submitted it the font went back to the way it was. What's up? Just curious btw I don't really care either way.

[This message has been edited by HukeOKC (edited September 29, 2000).]
Seems like it is only on the Forums Summary page and some of the larger forums. It'll make its way here eventually, methinks.
I had just assumed it was my computer to. I don't care either as long we don't change to some ancient, lost language and can all read it.
It's arial. I've been playing around with some new software and accidently set it to this...I liked it.

It needs to be manually set in each Forum and all posts updated...it'll take a while to propagate.
the point size is a bit small
some pairs like

ik are very tightly kerned & mush together

It's just about unreadable on my screen. Too small and squished looking. *sigh*


"Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an armed citizen? I don't like to be coddled and I don't like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right -- I go armed." -- Longcourt Phyllis in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein
First we lost our tent in the desert. (I 'member that we had to send out a search party for George Hill, then Kodiak, for that one ;)) Then General was moved from the top to down lower and now our font is changed.
*sigh* progress..... :D


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
I like it! You get to read a lot more on each thread. Add in the fact my resolution is 1024x768, it's perfect.
Son, you've got better eyes than mine it's a bit hard for me to read, but I've been up for 23 hours, so it may just be tired eyes.
Sorry, I don't like it. Seems smaller and harder to read. If anything the font should be bigger. There's a bunch of us half blind bifocal and even trifocal wearers out here.

Take pity on us decrepit 'ol farts. :rolleyes:

Since light travels faster than sound, isn't it logical that some people appear bright until you hear them speak?
It is a bit harder to read. I guess we'll get used to it. Is there a practical side to the change?

Just one of the Good Guys
Kerned? What the font?

I won't be able to comment on the fine points of fonts until I get the horiz convergence on this hand-me-down 17" monitor adjusted ... kinda out of focus ...

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited September 30, 2000).]