I know it's a Mauser. But which one?


I got this as part of a deal in lieu of cash. I know that it's a Mauser. There is the logo enderneath the scope. Yes, it was sporturized.

But The pics will speak for themselves. Sure would be nice to get some more info on this. Such as ammo. I am thinking it is 7x57 mauser ammo but would love to be sure.



Sorry, not everybody takes a peek here when you think they ought to.

Yes, it's a 98 pattern mauser, however, it could be a 7.92x57 or a 7.65x53 Belgium Mauser ctg.

Your photos arent the best, but that narrows it down a tad. Do you see 7.92 or 7.65 stamped anywhere on it?

Here's where I started looking: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_Herstal
You may have to pull the scope base off for a peek at the crest. Unless someone can decipher the proofs- it would be hard to tell if it's Peruvial, Venezuelan, Serbian, Croat, Slovenian, Slovakian, or ???

As with any surplus esp. a sporterized one, have a gunsmith do a chamber cast to determine exactly what ammo to feed it.

Also, you posted this thread in the Semi Automatic department- that may be one small reason it's not getting a whole lot of attention.
Sorry. In all of my other forums, pretty used to fast answers.
I'll try to get better pics. The look fine on my laptop, but with the minimal size restriction with this forum I can see the quality lacking.
and you might also try moving it to the bolt forum or the C&R forum instead of the semi auto forum. the knowledge base just might not be here in this group.
All I can tell for the pictures is what is pretty obviously marked on the receiver. It is made by FN. They made a number of Mausers for all kinds of countries as well as for the civilian market. The proofs on the barrel are from the Belgian proof house, which all Belgian manufactured firearms must pass through. There are some small markings I can't make out on the barrel closest to the rear sight that might provide some identifying assistance if I could see them more clearly.

I cannot get the scope off. The guy I got it from must have loctited the scope ring bolts in. I actually broke my allen wrench trying to get them off.
I don't know what it is for sure... Belgian made.

The most positive way to find out is to do a chamber/throat casting, then compare the dimensions with known cartridges.

Do you know what diameter the bore is? If it's larger than .308, it's probably an 8mm, if it's close to .308, it could be the 7.65x53, if it's smaller, it could be either the 7mm or the 6.5mm. I don't think the 6.5 was made anywhere but Sweden, and never in the 98 Mauser, but I could VERY easily be wrong about that.
Being that it is sporterized, it could be nearly any caliber.

Get some Cerrosafe and do a chamber casting.. it's not difficult... actually kind of fun.
Suggest you slug the bore, easier than a chamber cast, a groove diameter of .284", .308", .312", or .323" would tell the tale. Unlikely a bare bones sporterizing job like that would be rechambered to a wildcat.
So, it is a FN Mauser built for Venezuela. It is very likely chambered for 7mm Mauser, which is very likely what the writing o the side of the barrel means (7.0 mr). The B. Blindee is apparently French for "jacketed bullet".
Jim, How would one slug the bore? Also, I am by no means even close to an expert but after looking very closely to the chamber and the parts, they all look the same color, wear and metal. Nothing jumps out as being newer.
The pictures you posted in the other thread show an FN 24/30 made for Venezuela. Great rifle, very strong, M98 action. The chambering is most likely 7X57, since it still has the military profile barrel on it, but have it checked.