I just realized that I am frequently doing things in 3s...


New member
I just bought my 3rd Colt SAA. I have 3 Pythons. I have 3 Colt 1911s. Also 3 Model 27s with 3.5" barrels. And 3 5" 27s. And 3 5" M&P Smiths. And 3 2" M&Ps.

What's with all the trios? I only have 2 hands, for God's sake. Can't shoot all 3 at once...
Trios have become part of our systemic culture: the holy trinity ("God's sake"), the triangle is the strongest architectural shape, catastrophes happen in threes, we chunk information in threes (recite a phone number - it comes out in 3 numeric segments), most common folk-speak phrases are three words long, etc.

Don't fret, Saxon; and don't battle 2000 years of cultural indoctrination.

Do you have 3 safes yet?

you may have OCD. Seeing as this is classified as a mental disorder, Big Brother will want to take away your 2A rights. Better make it a bit more random and get yourself 4, 5, or even 6 of some of those fine far arms. Look at is as therapy.
I buy 3 also I have 3 daughters and trying to make sure they each get pistols rifles and shot guns after I am gone. example Each will get a Colt Commander a S&W 38spl old no model or 36 snub pin barrel and real firing pin .

Hard to do Some I only have 1 of Those I want sold But they will be well armed when I pass .