I just posted on the Rosie board

I posted a responce to your thread there. When I registered as a member there a few weeks ago and started my thread I used my real name. Like you I was using sarcasism to elicit responces and felt that Gunslinger would reveal my true position on private gun ownership. ;) Of course anyone that checked my e-mail address could probably figure it out if they worked real hard at it. ( gunscustom@aol.com) :D
I'll check back periodically to see what kind of responces you get from members there.

Man, its better than coffee over there. I hate to admit it but I am having a blast...reminds me of plinking at ground squirrels LOL

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I spent the last 2-3 hours over there, trying to raise the BS flag on everyone attempting to slip some by.

Pretty humorous: on the thread titled something like, "Happiness is..." I put, "Happiness is a warm FAL" and nobody bothered to ask what an FAL was! They ARE blissfully ignorant.
Destructo6, you shoulda said, Happiness is Sharon Stone holding my warm gun barrel! :)

I'm trying to get on there, too, but they haven't sent me my stupid password yet. :(

I'd like to fling a few verbal Molatovs at those idiots!

[This message has been edited by Leadfoot (edited May 23, 1999).]