I just have to post this


Please move this in case its in the wrong place.
I emailed Mr Obama through his website and asked him how soon he will try and take away our guns and rights to own guns.

Here is the reply I was surprised to get. (Surprised I got any kind of response that is). I do not support Mr Obama. I was being kind of pissy when I asked the question.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting me about gun laws and the Second Amendment. I
appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. Americans broadly
agree that guns must be kept from those who may pose a threat, and that the
rights of legitimate hunters and sportsmen should be protected.

We must work to ensure that guns do not fall into the hands of criminals or
the mentally ill through an effective background check system. We also have
to strike a reasonable balance between public safety and sportsmen's rights.

I will continue to work for effective gun laws, including reinstatement of
the assault weapons ban that the last Congress allowed to expire, and
effective law enforcement. I will also speak out against the culture of
violence that traps so many of our young people.

Thank you again for contacting me on this important issue.


Barack Obama

Sounds good doesnt it? :barf:

I see no difference between his view and Clinton, Guiliani, Edwards or Romney. Actually I see little difference in any of their views on anything, they all want to be my big brother so I feel safe and taken care of. I don't really want a big brother, I want an itty bitty cash strapped government that keeps it's nose out of my bedroom, gun safe, wallet and quits starting pre emptive wars.
Thats a form letter sent in response to any email they receive that has the words "gun rights" or "gun control" in it.

Notice it says they believe hunters and sportsmen should be allowed to continue having their hobbies...

As far as Obama is concerned, the entire US could end up like D.C. and that would be just fine. After all, you can hunt for pretty much everything with a shotgun, so no need for rifles and pistols. Might as well require people to completely disassemble them before loading up at the end of their hunting trip too... no need to have that shotgun functional while you aren't actively hunting.

They completely miss the point... the 2nd Am. has nothing to do with hunting and sporting. I don't imagine that had even crossed their mind while writing it.
He wants to help "legitimate sportsmen". Isn't that special?

Unfortunately, (1) the 2A has ZERO to do with hunting, and (2) even if it did, his type and the other gun banners would consider everyone to be an ILlegitimate sportsman, except maybe duck hunters with single shot shotguns 1 week per year, with said shotguns locked at the police station the rest of the year, and then only maybe.
I suppose it might bother him that the Second Amendment is for dealing with just the kind of government he's describing his to be.