I just got my very first Glock!


New member
I just recieved my first Glock. It is a G19c 3rd gen. I am very excited about trying it out tomorrow.

Anything special I need to do to my Glock before shooting it? Any specific issues to be aware of? How about target/plinking ammo? What is best for Glocks?


P.S. I'll post a pic of my G19c when I get home from work...
Pretty cool! With the "c" model 19, your best results at the range will be with hot 9mm ball, as 9mm std velocity stuff usually doesn't generate enough oomph to make full use of the porting.
Here are the pics I promised. I guess it looks like all the other Glocks but oh well.... I am still proud of it. :)



Is that a Federal 9BP load?

Oh, and nice Glock, BTW ;) You'll love the Glock 19C. (Take my word for it.) If I could do it all over again, I would buy the C model over the standard 19 due to the wonderful accuracy I can attain in rapid fire with the porting.

What do you say to a straight-up trade? My 8-year-old Glock 19 for your brand new 19C? ;)
About the only thing you might want to think about replacing is the sights, the stock plastic ones aren't that good. The sight picture is mediocre and they aren't as sturdy as steel sights. Otherwise, when in doubt keep it stock -- Glocks are ready to go out of the box. I have Heinie SPS8 sights on my 20C and they are excellent.

More powerful ammo = bigger gain from porting.

OH, and at some point somebody is going to say "ported handguns are worthless for self defense." To which I say NONSENSE!!! Use low flash ammo for self defense and don't point the gas ports at your head & you'll be fine.

Congrats. :D Just got mine for the second time in five years a few weeks ago, so I can relate to your excitement. I am still getting used to the different style, but I am sure we will work it out, like my other relationships. The Trijicons are great. It is a great handgun with a great reputation. I hope it brings you years of enjoyment and peace of mind. Good luck. ;)
Go ahead and run a bore snake or patch through the barrel. Put a drop of oil on each of the 4 steel rail tabs in the frame. MAKE SURE YOU DONT CLEAN OFF THE COPPER LOOKING STUFF IN SIDE THE GUN. Thats a factory lube.

As far as ammo for the 9mm,the closer to NATO spec stuff the better. 124g ball is good,and Glocks dont like the low power stuff like PMC.

Have fun!
If you decide to replace the junk "Slide Protector" OEM Glock sights with some that provide a decent sight picture consider Novak's. Their superb "Carry" sights can be had almost any way you want, 3-Dot white or Tritium, Bar-Dot Trit., all-black, Single-Dot front white, Gold or Trit., etc. See http://www.novaksights.com