I just flat got caught.


New member
Mr. Murphy, Meaness, or just plain Bad Luck- sometimes stuff happens. We do our best to practice awareness, take precautions, train our brain, physical self...you name it.

I admit I do not know everything, I will always be learning. I just flat got caught , have no idea how, or when, but I did.

Yes I have shared some interesting events of late, and I appreciate the positive feedback and support. My area is not the most kind.

My truck had a rattle, upon inspection my full size spare was the culprit. Mine fits up under the bed with the cable one uses a tire tool inserted thru bumper to raise and lower. I also installed at the time of purchase this bought new '93 , the steel bar with a sliding lock to prevent theft. Chains can be cut, this bar design one cannot cut.

My spare was low on air, it happens with temp changes, and I figured the low air allowed the tire to have play against underside of bed thus causing the rattle. Has happened before.

I went to air...it will not take air. I get further underneath, and there is a hole. I had to get to class last night and just could worry about it until today.


I figured maybe this one had the plug done back so long ago when it was on the ground, relegated to spare when new tires bought. Perhaps age, summer temps, and I dunno perhaps it finally played out.

Nope, when at the tire store it is pretty obvious, it had to take a deliberate effort to do this.

Grateful my other tires were not messed with, nor the rest of the truck...I bought a used one, one size smaller as that is all they had for a spare. The folks treated me right...they understood.

Naturally my thoughts ran to the altercation I shared recently. Being honest , the last time I actually checked that spare was shortly before that incident. I mean I don't make a habit of getting under my truck everytime to visually inspect my spare when I check my other tires.

I have been paying additional ( increased) attention to surroundings while this other incident is dealt with. I mean watching the whole truck, not just a spare one has to actually make an effort to get to. My travels, home, school...everything. Just kicked things up a notch or so ...normal behavior in my opinion.

I guess when one is involved in anything, one needs to consider the weird stuff happening too.

Nope, not going to worry about it. Not going to let whomever have the satisfation of getting to me. Perhaps a fluke, perhaps a new thing kids are doing. Perhaps related to the incident recently. *shrug* Who knows?

Use the energy for precautions, awareness, and positve things instead.

Cut reminded me of how a machete "poked" would do.

Just thought I'd share in the event some new thing is going around. That and the fact we can do the best we can - or so we think- and still get caught.


Terrorizing kids in my neighborhood (a VERY upscale and snazzy neighborhood) have grown out of throwing eggs and have begun viciously slashing tires, (they look worse than blowouts by the time these kids are done) breaking and entering, and random acts of violence at night.

The police have never cared less.

It may or may not be because of a previous altercation. Even people in gated communities and 500-600 thousand dollar homes do these things to people they've never met for no reason.
No offense but what does a tire slashing have to do with weapons tactics and training? There must be thousands of tires slashed every month, there is nothing you can do about it but try to park in a safer or better lit area. Stuff happens guys, you can't cover it all or you'll go crazy trying, hence, the name of paranoia will raise its ugly head.
No offense but what does a tire slashing have to do with weapons tactics and training?

There was a time when having one's tire slashed was a specific and personal statement. Sadly, this is no longer the case, and a tire slashing is likely to be a completely random act.
If there wasn't enough incentive to clean out your garage so you can park your car there, there is now! I always park in the garage even though I live in a good area. Besides being protected from break-ins, it is also protected from the elements and stays nice and cool. In my previous house (new development lower-middle class homes in the mid $200k range brand new), a couple cars were vandalized. I guess someone had something against BMW's because those were the only cars vandalized. Good thing my wife parked my M3 in the garage or else I would have kicked her butt if my car got vandalized!

One other considerartion is installing a camera system in your house. Prices have been dropping for digital recorders and outdoor cameras don't all that much. If you do it yourself, a 4 camera system with a digital recorder costs less than $1500 for eveything. You can even run it into your TV and watch it from there. If anyone wants details, you can PM me and I will point you in the right direction.

The most important thing is avoiding any altercations. I know its much more easily said than done, but you have to remember we live in a crazy world. I have a lot more to lose than some stupid scumbag. I am not going to bring myself down to his level and let him get to me. It is much better to learn a little self control and ignore the blow to your ego than getting into unnecessary altercations.
Yeah, stupid kids these days do lots of pranks like destroying private property. The liberal idiots with the civil liberties union has made it tough, if not impossible, to protect our things from such attacks. When I was a kid if you got caught doing childish acts of destruction, the cop that came to investigate would give the offending party a swift kick in the rear. No video cameras around and when a 6'3" 220 lb cop asked what happened while shaking you around, you told him. Now that we are so much smarter and enlightened:rolleyes: we all have to put up with this kind of crap, sad really.