*&* I have sinned


New member
I swore I wouldnt do it but i did. every few weeks I pop into and out of the way gunshop when I am in that area and look at the same *&* mod 342ti and continue to be amazed at how light it is,(almost feals p-32 light)and when compared to my mod.37 in my pocket the extra 2 or 3oz pulls amazingly less on my pants,the reason I have been able to keep walking away is the $695.00 price tag that he kept saying is FIRM. Monday I happened to pop in again and was drAwn to the 342 again and the owner came over and said howbout an early present? I snickered your asking to much for it,he snickers back if you finaly want to buy the thing you can take $125.00 of the listed price,bought it and have no regrets,its very slick out of pocket,recoil to me is the same as my mod 37. as is accuracy,i think this is due to the higher/deeper grip you get on the centennial frame so recoil is better absorbed.The slight weight diff. is incredible for pocket carry.
Traitor. Seriously, enjoy your Smith...they are still the best revolvers made. However, I am sticking to my guns (no pun intended) and I refuse to buy a new Smith.
I got my 642 a month ago and am happy I did. I did think about the boycott but in the end it is your purchase and you must feel confident in your weapon. Nothing better than the Centennial line for simple and easy CCW.

I gave thought to a Taurus Ti

...then I realized that they are not certified for sale in Massachusetts. That blew that option out of the water. If my shop doesnt sell Smiths, he goes out of business(pretty much the same for all shops here).

Maybe would have bought a Taurus if I could have but that is a moot point. If you want a snub in MA, it will be a Smith.

I made the decison that my carry piece was going to be a snub...so 642 it was.
Whoa, wait a minute...

Taurus isn't certified for sale in Mass?

What the hell is going on here? It's the SAME action with some modifications/improvements!
Mike,right now mass is a real friggin mess,I think the only "new" guns that can sold in mass are mass. modified sigs and S&W's, so tuarus was not an option,maybe a year ago I looked at a tuarus ti with a bob'd hammer it was a nice little gun,within two weeks after looking at it the new laws went into effect.

to our personal hell Mike :) The one way around that is if a gun can be certified that it was made prior to 10/98 it is legal to sell as a safe non junk gun. Example....2 Glock 19's sitting on the shelf at my dealer. One made 11/98, the other 7/98...The July Glock is a totally safe functioning, perfect legal seld defense firearm. The one made in November is a junk, cheap gun that is a weapon of terror that plauges our streets leading to 12 children being killed every hour.

Makes perfect sense eh?

Come to think of it, I havent seen any Ruger revolvers on the shelfs either.

This state sucks....born and bred here and I can't believe that Lexington Green is 15 minutes from my door step. Those Minute Men must be rolling in their graves.....

Oh and here is another good one....the authentic muskets that were used in the Revolutionary War that are hanging on the State House walls are outfitted with trigger locks.....seriously.
I considered Taurus until they sold out American gunowners with a a built in trigger lock (before SW). I'll stick with SMITH and WESSON sell outs until they bastardize their products in the same manner. Taurus does not make a concealed hammer model and they weigh more too.
Hey Cuerno,

I hate to tell you this, but S&W PIONEERED the first "smart gun technology" back in the 1970s. They were called Magna locks, and required you to wear a magnatized ring.

S&W also installed mechanical safeties on several thousand revolvers on guns made under special contract in the 1960s and 1970s.

S&W also developed some of the first prototype "simplex" type trigger locks in the 1980s.
All of you people who live in Massachusettes?

Repeat after me...

"I'm moving to Virginia. I'm moving to Virginia. I'm moving to Virginia."

Now, KEEP repeating that until you get all your crap packed into a U-Haul and get onto 95 southbound.

At the Massachusetts border, be sure to stop to urinate on the sign that says "Massachusetts Welcomes You!"

And then shake the dust off your shoes and move to a state that still gives you a few of the rights conveyed to us by men such as John Hancock, Sam and John Adams, and James Otis.
Hey Mike, if those poor people from MA start to fill up VA you can tell em to keep heading south. We have room for some of the good MA gun owners here in Louisiana...we have sensible (and very few) gun laws also.

Whatever...IMHO, you shouldn't have bought it, but that's a personal decision. Seems to me like the fact that you did makes it kinda hard for you to complain about the state of affairs in the people's republic of Massachusetts. If you're not part of the solution, well...you know the rest. I doubt it matters to you much, anyway.
Consider yourself admonished...

now, ain't it a sweet piece? ;) I bought mine about a year ago and it is a dream, even compared to an alloy Centennial. I think the ammunition weighs more than the gun! :D

Enjoy your S&W and God bless America!

PS: I also bought a COLT Concealed Carry at the same time. Neener neener!

No, but the old designs are being trotted out as we speak.

I think that's one of the reasons why S&W signed on to this agreement, because they had done preliminary development work in this field years ago, and it would be pretty simple for them to pick it back up again.
Hey guys..Thanks it is a sweet piece and I'm very glad I bought it,I also believe it was made before the screw the people act,I don't think the titanium/alloy is safe enough and it is considdered a junk gun by massachusettes standards,Thumper your a mad dog and i love it,but as a mass resident i've been getting f***'d by the libral screwballs on beacon hill all my life and we are out numbered in this state prolly 50-1, our voices are ingnored so untill I can move out of state I will continue to do what i can to have my voice heard and get the finest weopons i can, while i still can.
Well you guys in Mass. don't have to move to VA or Tx, you could move here to PA where you can get a permit to carry by applying to you local sheriff and paying $19 and no tests.