I have found it , the OPEN LETTER TO THE NRA

Jason Demond

New member

We are not "gun haters". But we hate what guns are doing to our communities, our schools, our families and, most especially, our children. Guns do not bleed. Children do. Every day we lose nearly 13 children to gun violence in this country. A classroom every other day.
This debate is not about guns. It's about our children. Whatever you may think about the 2nd Amendment, our children do not have "a right to keep and bear arms." In fact, it's not about anyone's right to own a firearm. It's about everyones right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." It's about the responsibility that we all have for keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, children and other prohibited purchasers. It's about the simple things that gun owners and non-gun owners alike can do to prevent children and other prohibited purchasers from getting guns.

We stand for these basic principles:
No child should have unsupervised access to a firearm.
No handgun should be sold without a safety lock.
No gun should be sold without a background check. No exceptions.
There should be a minimum waiting period of 72 hours on all handgun purchases to provide for a "cooling off" period and to give police time to complete a thorough background check.
No one should be able to buy more than one handgun per month. The only people who need to buy more than twelve handguns per year are professional gun traffickers who make a living reselling guns to children and criminals.
No more semi-automatic assault weapons. No more ammunition clips holding more than 10 rounds. We don't need more killing power on our streets.

If we do all these things, not a single law-abiding adult would be denied a firearm for self-defense, for recreation or any other legitimate purpose. Not a single one. But we might just save the life of a child and spare some family a lifetime of sorrow. Is that too much to ask?

Aaliyah David Duchovny Ricki Lake Fred Rogers
Krista Allen Sandy Duncan k.d. Lang Ellen Y. Rosenberg
Joel J. Alpert, MD Christine Ebersole Denis Leary Renee Russo
Suzy Amis Marion Wright Edelman Spike Lee Robin Ruzan
David Arquette Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds John Leguizamo Meg Ryan
Kevin Bacon Missy Elliott Gerald M. Levin Rabbi David Saperstein
Alec Baldwin Nora Ephron Davis S. Liederman Susan Sarandon
William Baldwin Ahmet Ertegun Lisa Linde Herb Scannel
Sarah Ban Breathnach Gloria Estefan Tara Lipinski Vincent Schiraldi
Drew Barrymore Melissa Etheridge Rob Lowe Kyra Sedgwick
Carol Bayer Sager Mia Farrow Madonna Jerry Sienfeld
Richard Belzer Sally Field Howie Mandel Russel Simmons
Tony Bennett Carrie Fisher Camryn Manheim Rena Sofer
Candice Bergen Fannie Flagg Barry Manilow Louise Sorel
Robert Bernstien, PhD Doug Flutie Marla Maples Mira Sorvino
Peter Bogdanovich Rick Fox Amanda Marshall Britany Spears
Jon Bon Jovi Tom Freston Penny Marshall Kevin Spirtas
BOYS II MEN Andy Garcia Mase Harry Dean Stanton
Jim Brady Geraldo Prema Mathai-Davis David Steinberg
Sarah Brady Richard Gere John McDaniel Patrick Stewart
Benjamin Bratt Estelle Getty Brian McKnight Sting
Beau Bridges Kathie Lee Giffford Kyle McLachlan Sharon Stone
Christie Brinkley Paul Glaser Ed McMahon Meryl Streep
James Brolin Brad Gooch Paul Rabbi Mentiaff Barbra Streisand
Albert Brooks Nancy Lee Grahn Natalie Merchant Trudie Styler
James Brooks Dr. Lorraine E. Hale Bette Midler The Temptations
Bonnie Bruckheimer Deidre Hall Shane Minor Vinny Testaverde
Betty Buckley Ethan Hawke Mary Tyler Moore Jonathan Taylor Thomas
David Canary Anne Heche Mike Myers Marlo Thomas
Kate Capshaw Marilu Henner N SYNC Uma Thurman
Stockard Channing Whitney Houston Kathy Najimy Steve Tisch
Josh Charles Della M. Hughes Mick Nichols Mice Torrez
Cher Helen Hunt Stephen Nichols Shania Twain
Terri Clark Grace-Lynne Ingle Jack Nicholson Dick Van Dyke
Jill Clayburgh John Ingle Rosie O'Donnell Joe Volk
Rosemary Clooney Francesca James Julia Ormond Bob Walker
Judy Collins Norman Jewison Sarah Jessica Parker Ruth Warrick
Jeniffer Connolloy Keyshawn Johnson Richard Parsons Sigourney Weaver
Kevin Costner Richard Karn Michelle Pfeiffer Victor Webster
Walter Cronkite Lainie Kazan Sydney Pollack Harvey Weinstein
Sheryl Crow Diane Keaton Dennis Quaid Jann Wenner
Julie Cypher David E. Kelly Aidan Quinn Vanessa Williams
Bob Daly Barry Kemp Colin Quinn Rita Wilson
Matt Damon Margaret Kemp Elizabeth Bracco Quinn Henry Winkler
Stuart Damon Chaka Khan Bonnie Raitt Peter Yarow
Linda Dano Kevin Kline Peter Reckell Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie
Patrika Darbo Michael E. Knight Paul Reiser Ahmet Zappa
Clive Davis Ed Koch Mary Lou Retton Diva Zappa
Gavin de Becker Jonathan Kozal Debbie Reynolds Dweezil Zappa
Ellen Degeneres Lenny Kravitz Anne Rice Gail Zappa
Rebecca DeMornay Lisa Kudrow Natasha Richardson Moon Zappa
Phil Donahue Rev. Wallace Ryan Kuroiwa Kathy Rigby
Fran Drescher Wally Kurth Tim Robbins
Richard Dreyfus Chistine Lahti Julie Roberts
I am sorry the names are close together and there are no comas, all I did was cut and paste and that is what I got.

That crap makes me sick!! They put out the most violent movies and tv shows, then Demonize us

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry
makes ya' wanna puke don't it. they want the right to make their crappy movies, most w/ violence, gun play,etc.. but they want to limit the rights given by the 2nd. Admendment, the very thing that helps secure their right of freedom to make crappy things to watch. it was of course no surprise to see the Baldwin boys on there, or the Zappa's. matter of fact, i don't guess i was surpirsed at ant of the names on the list.

what me worry? hell yes!!
Won't be buying and will turn the radio off.

Keep the Faith and the Constitution
What I find interesting is they state (Whatever you may think about the 2nd Amendment,
our children do not have "a right to keep and bear arms." In fact, it's not about anyone's
right to own a firearm. It's about everyones right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness." It's about the responsibility that we all have for keeping guns out of the hands
of criminals, children and other prohibited purchasers. It's about the simple things that
gun owners and non-gun owners alike can do to prevent children and other prohibited
purchasers from getting guns. )

What they are actually saying it's not about what we think (know) about the 2nd
Amendment it's what they think. And they are 100% absolutely WRONG, it is about the
right to own a firearm, now I am not as wealthy and all these folks and don't have the
political pull, or any of that but at least I feel I am a better American that any of them, I
guess that's why I like to spend time here and haven' been to a theater in about 15 years, I
like spending time with people who think more of their country than themselves.
Just a bunch of rich idiots trying to look "in" as GunControl seems to be all the rage these days. Hypocrites! Many of them likely have CCWs, assorted gun-collections and/or ARMED security (read HIRED guns). I challenged Rosie O' Piehole to put her next paycheck up against mine that she either owns a gun or has HIRED guns protecting her. No reply (surprised?). Oh, and Rosie shills for K-Fart, right? THEY SELL GUNS & AMMO. Get this, Rosie says that since they sell only SPORTING Rifles and Shotguns it's OKAY for her to still be their SpokesNazi. Sheeese, man. To actually say something that freakin' stupid. And Americas' women still worship the idiot and BELIEVE her lies. Also, recently, Sharon Stone (remember The Quick and The Dead) made a big deal of CLAIMING to be "getting rid" of her guns. I'll bet she STILL has a couple, OR like Rosie O' Hitler, relys on HIRED gunmen to protect her, just as Gene Hackmans' bastige-character in "Quick & The Dead" did. My final reply to all of these Hollywood Socialists is this: You want our guns? Come and take them if you dare! This goes triple for that Rat-F Schumer, too!
OH YEAH: These vermin parrot the LIE that "13" kids a DAY die from "guns". Lessee... thirteen times 365 equals...4745! LAST I heard, less than 500 kids a YEAR are dying in gun-accidents. The number FALLS yearly. Hmmm... these hypocrites are LIARS, too? Imagine my surprise. Too bad the national Mediots don't have calculators handy. OR the journalistic integrity to write/report truthfully!

[This message has been edited by RUSSki (edited June 13, 1999).]
Had to take my wife to K-mart. Almost no ammo on shelf. Asked clerk and he said none has been coming in. Asked about the rumor K-mart was not going to sell guns and ammo anymore. Got a sicko grin for an answer.
The writings on the wall people. Lock and load.
Paul B.
Well, they are gun-haters - methinks they doth protest too much. And, the debate is about guns.

I've seen what a mess many of these people have made with their own lives. I don't need their help with my children.

They are arrogant and ignorant. Most of them are pompous entertainers pretending to be familiar with real life, politics, history and the law.

If they don't understand why most of us are unwilling to have every firearm purchase run through government computers, they should peruse http://www.sksbuyback.org/ for a good example of where their tortured logic leads.

I'll do my best to avoid putting another penny into their pockets.
Diedre Hall and Kevin Costner?

So much for "Days of Our Lives" and "Waterworld" & "The Postman" - all three of which I was an afficianada.

What rubs me is the press push to rub off "celebrity" feelings on the rest of us.

Would somebody please explain why we let actors - who are paid to "play" parts - think their "feelings" are more important than yours or mine? We're not even delving into a deep thought process here!

Hell, I'm not a celebrity with millions at my disposal and a persona to publicize.

I'm just a person with a family and principles. I also have inalienable rights - ratified by our US Constitution.

Somehow I don't think Diedre and Kevin will make out as well in the long run as my family does.

Especially if the rest of us just ignore them and they rot in TV purgatory.
Ah yes. The rich and the famous. Always thinking for the good of the little people.

I think the FOUP ad would be the best thing right about now. Display in public what the not so rich and not so famous average no-big-name Joe thinks.

- Ron V.

Russki: A hearty amen

JHS: I too was disappointed most by Shania's name. Her and "the Fonz". Everyone else was pretty well expected. Well, OK, I know, the "Fonz" was cool - Henry Winkler's a pansy.

Gosh, everyone, the Zappa family is against us - and you know how much clout they have. You know, many names are conspicous by their absence. They must have sent this to every celeb under the sun asking them to sign on. But think about your favorite 5 celebs from entertainment & sports. How many of those five are on the list? Example: Rosemary Clooney's on the list, but George Clooney must have told them to shove off. Tell's you something. Their list is not nearly as impressive as it first appears. Idiots.
Futo brings up a good point. Look how many "big" stars these days aren't on the list. Take a good look at the list. There are a number I've never heard of. There are a number of has-beens, those on the downward side of the fame bell curve, as well as a number of never-quite-beens on that list, most likely adding their name to the list for another desperate grab at another fleeting moment of fame or name recognition. Most of the rest are predictable, those who can't think for themselves and have all their decisions made for them ("stand here, look into the camera, and say it like this..."), and those that are deluded into thinking that a bit of "star power" can solve a deep societal problem by removing an inanimate object that they feel represents a symptom, but not the real deeper disease that is infecting the country. Hollywierd is so ensconced in the make believe, they can't even tell reality from a script anymore.

Unfortunately, they couldn't get a clue if they were hosed down in clue-musk and dropped into the middle of Clueville in the middle of Clue mating season and beat about the head and neck repeatedly by a bunch of Clues with lead-filled cluebats. Pathetic.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Arogant and ignorant, you betcha! How a bunch of elitist dweebs who's whole livlihood is based on pretend and make believe can think they have anything to do with real life is beyond me. Why they think their notoriety is a substitute for an education and makes their opinions any more legitimate or valid is another source of astonishment.

OK, conerned and pricipled boys and girls, I'd now like a show of hands indicating how many of you mo'fo's ever servered your country in the military (playing one on screen doesn't count)? How many of you dickweeds have ever seriously had your @ss on the line in a real lethal force situation? How many of you have even been properly trained in the safe handling and use of firearms? Yeah, I thought so . . . if ignorance is bliss, y'all must be VERY happy.
Seeeesh, idiots. M2
I find the letter interesting, since many of these folks aren't US citizens, but Canucks and Limeys. Peter Yarrow? Protect the children? How about protecting the children from Pete Yarrow? The more children there are the more Pete the Pervert can love (in a depraved and sick sort of way). No thanks, but I'll keep my guns and use them on sickoes if they touch my kids, when I have any. Liberals, weirdoes, perverts, and hild molesters, along with the occasional usefu idiot, what a great bunch to sign the letter. When I lose my rights, I'll know exactly who's responsible and who should pay.
Kimber Man I'm stealing a copy of this letter to allow other gun nets be aware of of this ungodly untruth writing from people who take our money in films by portraying someone who shoots firearms.
A re-posting I copied from AR15.com

The following was written by State Representative Mitchell Kaye from
County, Georgia:

We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid any more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great
grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt-ridden, delusions and other liberal bedwetters.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that a whole lot of people were
confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim that they require a: BILL OF NO RIGHTS

You do NOT have the right to a new car, big screen TV or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

You do NOT have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone - NOT just you! You may. Leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.

You do NOT have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do NOT expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

You do NOT have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

You do NOT have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just NOT interested in health care.

You do NOT have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

You do NOT have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.
You do NOT have the right to demand that our children risk their lives in foreign wars to soothe your aching conscience. We hate oppressive governments and won't lift a finger to stop you from going to fight if you'd like. However, we do NOT enjoy parenting the entire world and do NOT want to spend so much of our time battling each and every little tyrant with a
military uniform and a funny hat.

You do NOT have the right to a job. All of us sure want all of you to have one, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

You do NOT have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness-which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
