I have a scope problem


New member
I placed this thread in the rifle forum but got only one answer. And it wasnt much help.
I hope some one here can.

A friend just got out of the millitary and his father bought him a Browning Gold Madelion in 7mm rem Mag. It came with a X4 leopold scope. He plans on using it for deer in northern Michigan where the shots could be as long as a mile and a half, (not that he is going to shoot that far, he is smarter than that). The shooting he will be doing will be mostly stationary.
His question to me is what would be the best scope for that gun be, price dosent matter.
My long range hunting has been with earthern piggies (ground hogs) where the scopes can pick out a nat at 1000 yards so I dont have the knolage to help him.
So help? :) please.
The scope that's on it will do nicely. Maybe a variable of the same make.
Just seeing a deer at a mile and a half would be impressive. Anywhere. Experts in cammouflage so they are.

Groundhogs at 1k yards?

Deer at 2640 yds?


edit: OH, gnats at 1k yds....sorry....Really?!?!
For unlimited budget Zeiss, Kalhes, Swavorski, Smidt and Bender all have excellent products over a grand. The new Kalhes CL multi zere might be handi where the rare shots ever 350 yrds might be needed, and there is probably not a better scope for under a $1000. Regardless a scope in the 3x9 to 4x14 would be sufficiant if the glass is high quality. Better glass is better than more magnification.
Nikon makes some nice optics as well, seems that the one on it would be good...

If he plans on making long shots try and sight in for 150 - 200 yards and adjust accordingly VIA the ballistics tables of your favorite ammo.

Makes things eaiser in the field, some guys carry ballistics info (how many inches high or low a round shoots at what yardage) on their gun or with them to know easily how high or low they have to aim.

Try this website below for some more additional information to look at when buying scope... it seemed so easy before I read it... :D

Rifle Scope Buying Guide
I've lived in MI all my life and hunted it for over (50) yrs. and don't know anyplace you could even approach yardages you quoted; unless your just kidding! Any good 3x9 scope is more than adequate. 200 yds. is a very long shot in most of MI.
I would go with what is on the rifle, and the guy who said better glass trumps more magnification is spot on. The trick is not picking a deer out with a scope at ranges you can't hit them at, the trick is picking one out of the evening shadows. Good scopes give you more time to hunt, not necessarily more range.

If price is no object, then look at some of the German scopes already mentioned. You will be paying twice as much for maybe 5% more performance, but that might be the best money ever spent if you get to shoot the right deer...
THanks for the help and I will pass it on.

My hunting with a 6mm rem, for ground hogs the bilistics and bullet drop were not that important, with the gun sighted in at 300 yards, if you could put the cross hairs against his belly standing up from 0 to close to 400 yards you would hit him, not that I was good enought to take a pig at 400, but I did take one at close to 240.
For me the 4 power would be fine for deer out to 150 which would be my limit of shot, the optics altho good the openings are the smaller diamater, so there light gathering is not as good as I would want. I also dont like taking shots I dont think I have a 100% chance of hitting before I pull the trigger.
BUt he wants more scope, he has the money, and would like to get the best he can, but not just the most money he can spend.
I agree that a varable with a max around 9X would be best. And the better glass is more important that the most X.
Thank every one, I will pass on your info.

4x is good enough for me i can make reliable shots out to 300 yards. havent gone any farther. its a 300 yard range. its a .308.
I like what 308LAW said above.
However, I would refine it a little more...

Look at the best Leupold VariX in 2-7x variable.
Take a look at the clarity and compare the brightness to the high-end scopes listed by 308LAW before you buy.

Keep it on 2x all the time for acquiring the target quickly. :eek:

If you have need of the long, well-placed shot, then crank up the power and
if you can easily "hold" on an imagined 4" bullseye on the deer...
have at it... ;) If not, "hold your water". :D

If you need more than 7 power... stalk closer. :rolleyes:

If you want to be the coolest "dude" on the hunt...
it won't matter what you use to wound the animal. :D

That being the case... get a really high-end 4-12x scope. :p