I hate to even ask but...


I see so many post and articles on compliance for 922 that it is just overwhelming. I found this page ( check list site ) and was wondering if what it states is true. I just don’t understand how if I take My rifle to the range to practice a little and get pulled over by the local police how will they know what is and what is not compliant. Seems officer 1 could say this is not compliant and want to seize my weapon or officer 2 will say nice weapon please keep it under 65mph.
I know this subject has been beat to death and did not want to even post on it…..

Sorry and Thanks
Right, most won't even know what to look for. Most U.S. made parts have US stamped on it, but I've got some that don't have a marking. Heck, my homemade recievers don't even have serial numbers, I hate to see how they'd react to one of them.
The strongest factor in your favor is that most local LEOs will not only not know the law but they will also not give a damn, and rightly so.
The regulation is foolish, and virtually unnknown. I expect the only local cops that would know anything about it would be persons with a strong interest in guns.

The only likely way a person would be charged or caught for violating the regs would be if he or she was arrested for another reason. For example- suppose you bumpfire a semi-automatic ak, that is not compliant. A neighbor hears the gunfire, and calls the police to report an illegal machinegun. You get arrested and your guns are sized by an ignorant policeman, and the media is informed that a bunch of illegal weapons have been siezed. Now, you don't have any machineguns. BUT some of your weapons are noncompliant- the cops might ask the BATFE to examine your guns to see if they are fully automatic, and the BATFE might find they are noncompliant. In order to avoid the embarrassement of being revealed to have arrested you for no reason, you could be charged with the felony of not complying with the stupid regs. Maybe they would let you plea it down, and just have all your guns siezed. Has something like that happened? I don't know. Could it? I think so.

Compliance with the law is not terribly difficult or expensive. Better safe than very, very sorry, I think.
I have put this challenge out since 922 came into effect...I would like to see evidence of an individual being prosecuted for a 922 violation without more (ie some other goodies forming either an associated or predicate offense)

WildnodangerAlaska ™
Most local police don't give a hoot about federal gun laws. I've never heard of anyone being arrested for being in violation of them. They're always used as add-on charges after a person is arrested for breaking some state law.
I would think it takes quite a bit of examination to determine whether or not a given firearm is not in compliance with the law. Does the BATFE actually have the resources to tear apart every weapon suspected of a 922(r) violation? I think not. But if they are already looking at you and your firearm for soemthing else they will certainly put forth a little bit of extra time to determine 922(r) compliance.