I hate my Glock...


New member
I hate my Glock because I keep having to switch targets from the X ring being gone after a couple of rounds.

I hate my Glock because I never get to work on it like my other guns because it never seems to malfunction.

I hate my Glock because it fits my hands so perfectly that sometimes I think it is part of my arm when I shoot.

I hate my Glock because it is not as pretty as a 1911 and not as heavy.

I hate my Glock because everybody else wants to shoot it.

I hate my Glock because I keep having to spend money on the vast availability of aftermarket parts.

I hate my Glock because it can hold more than 7 rounds.

I hate my Glock because it made me buy more Glocks.
I'm glad you like your glock, if only my friends could find a handgun that they have enough confidence in. I'm extremely confident in my Ruger. I can do anything with it. Good luck with your Glocks.



KEEP THE FIRE BURNING!!!! Texas A&M University.
I hate mine cause she makes me cut the grass.

I hate mine cause she makes me get dressed when company comes over.

I hate mine....wait..I'm sorry..mind lapse..ok....

I don't hate my Glock! In fact I love it. As well as all my other babies!

I do think that Glock has come a long way. There used to be a day when I despised the things and swore that I would never spend my hard earned money on plastic. Call it polymer all you want, but it is still plastic. Just ask your kid what daddy's gun is made of and he will say- Plastic.

You can't beat em for a lets get down to business type carry gun, but then again, I like the feel and smell of a steel gun just as much.

Good Shooting
I hate my Glock because it strayed intentionally into my peaceloving Makarov's airspace, forcing them to scramble to meet the Imperialist threat. One of them was rammed by the capitalist warmongering dog, and forced to ditch in the Bering Sea. The damaged Glock was then forced to land at the Nikolay Fyedorovich Air Station in Siberia. I wanted to put the Austrian crimminal on trial, but the Government, being weak, capitulated to the Imperialist demands to free it!!!!!!!
I suppose Peter Pan is your friend so that would go with the rest of the fairy tail.

You all Glock lovers have a good day.
I hate my Glocks because they don't fit my hands for $#!?@&%!!! (And FWIW, I know that's why many people hate them, too!)

OTOH, I love them because they are durable, reliable and fairly accurate.

But I could easily pay those very compliments that you have paid to your Glocks to my HKs, Sigs, Makarovs, CZs, BHPs, and yes, 1911s!!!

Hmmmm....maybe I'll venture over to GlockTalk and tell them how much I love my HKs, or HKPro or 1911forum and tell them how much I love my Glocks, or FNHipower and tell them how much I love my CZs...:rolleyes:

"I hate my Glock because it can hold more than 7 rounds."

My 1911 held 10. Sure, the mag stuck out beneath the grip, but that wasn't a big deal.

A Glock 21 holds ten. A Glock 20 holds ten. A Glock 22 holds ten. A Glock 31 holds ten.

Unless, of course, you can afford to shell out fifty to a hundred dollars for a used plastic magazine. That's fifty to a hundred bucks for ONE SINGLE magazine.

If you want capacity, you can get a preban 13-15 round mag for the Beretta, Sig, CZ, S&W, Taurus, and Ruger pistols for about $15 each, sometimes a little more. They may not be the best, but you can get three or four of them, new, for the price of one preban Glock magazine.

Now, is this the fault of the Glock company? No. But it is, nonetheless, a fact.

Aside from that, Glocks don't fit my hand. It's not a bad design, it's just not for me. I'm not a fan of mushy triggers, either, which is why I tend to stay away from even the DA/SA autos, because most of them have crappy triggers.
I hate your Glock, too. Shot one today, after telling my friend three times that it was a nice gun, but the grip was too big for my hand. Shot it anyway. Very acurate. Guess what. The grip was still too big for my hand.

I didn't tell him I think they're ugly. He's in love.

I got even with him, though. Made him shoot my Ladysmith with full house .357 loads. So we both had to suffer.:)

After he shot four rounds he said "Was that four,or five?" I said "I think it was five". He opened the cylinder and checked and said "No, that was four, felt like seven".:)
Only reason I hate my Glock is because I bought it in California, and I cannot enjoy the fruits of its ability to take 17 round magazines, because it still lives in California.
I hate my Glock because it's much slower on double taps then my single action guns.

I hate my Glock because there are so many crazed Glock owners ranting and raving constantly ;)

I love my Glock because it just runs. Boring yes, reliable YES.