I HATE it when....

I hate it when your smash your finger in your lubrisizer! :eek:

Sizing some 9mm bullets tonight and wanted to see how many I could size in one minute with my Star. I sized 28 bullets and one finger to .358". :mad:

I also hate it when my Lee drip-o-matic drips and splashes little droplets of lead on my clothes.

Let's here from you...
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Smashed a few here also...

...and my lead dont bother me on clothes...

... ones that bother me are when splashes land on flesh.:(
Yea, lead on clothes is getting old, lead on flesh really sucks:mad: Oh well you know what they say NO pain No gain:D
Well lets see

I hate it when:

My back gives up & I have to stop castin, or lubin, or preping brass, or cleanin firearms!!!

But the biggest "I hate it when" is when I have a good working load, either rifle or handgun ,then go & change it to see if this is better than that !!!

The rest of it is just stuff to see if your payin attention !!!!

I got 2 thing to say for the Dripomatics , Thank You Richard Lee !!! & lappin compound , the finer the better !!!!

& my thumbnail don`t grow rite anymore either !!!
I hate it when a reloader shooting next to me doesn't even know the name of his reloading press, believe this or not, it happened to me yesterday:eek:
Does it hurt worse than running a decapping pin through your finger nail into the bone ???

If so I'm buyin Lee push through dies cuz I done that other bone head move when the power went off suddenly one nite. Nothin like settin there in the dark with your finger trapped in the press tryin to asses the damage and realizin you gotta raise the ram in one quick move to get free. :eek: