i had a gun pointed at me this morning

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Bryant Gumbel did too...

On the early show on CBS this AM, they had a live interview with the 2 smart gun "experts" from last nights 60 minutes II show.
The first gentleman pulled out his grey and white "smart gun" and swept it right across Bryants chest.

When it came time for the second gentleman to talk,
Steven Morton, pulled his red fingerprint activated gun out and wrapped his finger around the trigger.
He spent 3 minutes pointing and gesturing with the weapon with his finger wrapped around the trigger.

So the smart gun is smart enough to know that these Technologists did not intend to shoot Bryant?
What a great example of how a non gun culture person has no regard for basic gun handling.

Bryant Gumbel is a racist, sarcastic jerk. With all do respect, turn the TV off when he starts spewing his terse verbal manure. Where's one of those TV bricks when you really need it! The beauty of the whole people control debate is if it ever happened, God forbid, the press would be the first to lose their rights and no one would care!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
dZ, If that's the way people are going to act when the "smart" gun is available for sale, then there is going to be a big increase "accidental" gun deaths. It would appear that the smart gun is a smarts vacuum, it sucks the intelligence out of the user, assuming they had any to start with.
Time and time again, this reminds of the saying, "Artificial intelligence is no match for human stupidity." :)
the odd thing is i have seen Bryant get very up set when a zoo guy brings out a koala bear

Bryant was in far more danger this morning from these smart gun technologists

i guess the smart gun made him feel safe

i would have been highly upset if anyone pointed a potewntial weapon at me in that manner

it bothered me to see the guns bore on my TV
the red gun was a faux plastic dummy, but it was being pointed very casually with a finger wrapping the trigger

there was no respect being shown
the attitude was one of, i have a solution to the problem and this technology is it.

What's even worse is a person with no gun handling experience passing himself off as an expert on gun issues, whether it be in the political arena or preaching at others to embrace his views as right on TV.

It's kind of like having a Commander-in-Chief who was a draft-dodger...*doh* :o


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
I saw the full segment last night, and it was apparent that the lady conducting the interview wasn't buying into the smart gun stuff at all. She was asking hard questions and getting cheeseball non-answers.
Yes, what do you expect of the average intelligence of the american public when their President is a draft dodging commie: a two term draft dodging commie. "smart guns" are perfect for these idiots. People like Bryan Gumble would be unemployed in any other country. Only in Amerika!
OK, Gumbel is a moron. I get it. He still has the all-time funniest leftist moron quote:
"Later on, we'll be taking a look at a test that can actually tell you whether you are a racist or a liberal."

I wasn't aware those were the only two choices, moron.
As for smart guns, others have expressed my opinion of that folly eloquently.
Bryant Gum ball is a fine representative of his media comrads. SB, I like your quote.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I was on a jury in a trial over a killing. At one point, the prosecutor was waving the shooter's revolver around while he questioned the witness. I ducked and went sideways a few times, and finally asked the judge if he could have the cylinder swung out.

The prosecutor assured me it was empty. I assured him that no gun was empty, in my mind, when it was pointed at me, and I didn't appreciate careless, foolish gun-handling.

By this time the courtroom was snickering, of course. Red-faced, he complied...After the trial, I read to him from the Scriptures a bit about gun-handling. He was not pleased, but I pointed out that I could always go to the newspaper come re-election time...

Oh, we found the accused innocent--on account of his daughter dunnit...
Did the "expert" (snicker) handling the "smart(guffaw)gun" show clear at ANY point during the show ?
At least it was pointed at a well defined target (Gumbel) ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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The damn gun wasn't smart enough! There should have been accidental discharge when it was swept across the a**hole's chest!