I had a big surprise


New member
Went to the range yesterday with my favorite shooter, my 10 yo son. He asked if he could shoot my model 19 Smith. I dug around in the range bag and found a box of .38 I of course explained how to operate it and showed him how to shoot DA and SA. He preferred SA . Had a little trouble with the long trigger pull on DA. After he shot an entire box he wanted me to ask other people on the range if I could buy some .38s from them. I have several glocks and other semi auto but he said he like shooting that better than anything else. Also told me I should sell all my other guns and just buy revolvers.
I just thought I would share this story. Seems like most kids are attracted to semi auto and wouldn't enjoy a revolver but he loved it.
That is nice to hear. My nephew comes with me to the range every so often and wants to shoot all the "tactical" style guns that are in his video games. I hope when my children are old enough, at least one of them developes the love for revolvers that I do.....otherwise, I'll have no one to pass all these fine revolvers too!
I have as of yet to see a begining shooter that has fired one of my revolvers that did not like shooting them. Now quite a few do like shooting my .45 ACP full sized guns, but when they are laying on the bench. They always pick up the revolvers, every single time.
I have a 15 year old brother who I take shooting and he has always been the same way. He really prefers a single action revolver above anything else, namely the Vaquero. According to him, he takes his time shooting SA making his range experience more enjoyable. I agree with him.
My 8yr old 'earns' 38spl wadcutters by doing chores around the house.
Shoots my 686 4inch and loves it.
Blazer aluminum wadcutters are bunny farts.
What made me even happier was when I didnt tell him once that he was empty and when the hammer fell for the 7th time the barrel didn't move. I would like to think I taught him trigger control like that. I think I'll take credit for it anyway.

Great story! Just goes to show that you've raised your son right! He has to be a smart (intelligent) kid as well if he prefers revolvers! :D With the price of CF ammo . . . I'm thinking he would absolutely LOVE a nice SA .22 . . . something like a Ruger Bearcat (if he's smaller) or a Single Six . . . if he wants to keep shooting CF . . . New Vaqueros are very nice also! :D:rolleyes::)
My daughter is interested in owning a handgun. I let her try a Colt Cobra and a colt mustang plus 2. She liked the Cobra the best and shot the best with it.
I think that will be her next birthday present.
Just this afternoon at work I was talking with a young lady coworker of mine. She will be 21 soon and wants to get a revolver for her first gun. I gave her lots of encouragement, and said, "Young folks will tell you that you don't want a revolver, but don't believe it."
He had a birthday a few weeks ago and he got a new 10/22 since he kind of out grew his crickett, so it might be awhile before he gets another gun. I think the bearcat would be a good choice. Seems like the handles are small and fit small hands good.
My dad taught me to shoot on a Beretta 92, a Colt Python, a Colt Cobra, a Colt Detective Special, and a Colt Officer's Model Match .22

While the Beretta caught me the most, and remains my favorite handgun model to this day, the stable of fine revolvers I grew up shooting gave me a deep and abiding love for a well made wheelgun.

They're more than guns. They're testaments to craftsmanship and well made machinery. The Model 19 especially.

Awesome story. Hopefully he keeps good taste.
Sounds like he's learning young that wheelguns are realguns. Lol. I especially liked the no flinch part, sounds like you done real good. I would also give a +1 to a Bearcat for the lil' fella. Far and away my favorite rimfire in the safe, my only gripe is the fixed sights. I can regulate it some with ammo changes, but my preferred choice makes it sighted for 75 yards or so.
Great story.

Sounds like he's a natural!

I respect his wisdom... it took me several years to figure it out. I just sold my last auto to fund another revolver.
I loaned my 617 to a friend's son to try out. After the range session, he somewhat sheepishly told his dad, "dad, I think I like revolvers better than autos". Not sure what he expected to hear, but his dad told him that what we, as gun nuts, like and don't like isn't really a choice as much as a gut-level attraction to whatever it is that floats our boats. Dad has since purchased a GP100 for his boy to shoot. What a good dad!:)