I gotta learn to keep my mouth shut!


New member
Back when I was a teen "getting a woman in trouble" had a very specific meaning. It seems that the term is now used to explain a number of things.

Last night my wife had a meeting at her Church. It was a typical Methodist Church with typical issues to worry about. The wife was holding her own in the ultra-liberal conversations until one of the ladies mentioned that a friend of hers wanted to see Hillary "in the worst way."

Well, ol' loudmouth (that's me) piped up from the peanut gallery "Is there any other way to see her?"

Every face turned to fix me with a stony stare - except one. My wife was busy coughing and gasping into her sleeve.

Later, as we were driving home, she said (between giggles) she was thinking about changing Churches anyhow.
As an old timer I am proud of you. But remember there is no wrath like a womans wrath, so watch your backside.:D
Think you got it bad? I'm a Presbyterian. I cannot find another church that I so wholly agree with more- however I am the old stonewall Jackson Presbyterian type. I believe in absolutes and the bible is the absolute. I don't always abide by it, but it is my baseline. Nothing MORE, nothing LESS. That means we don't go saying that Jesus didn't drink wine when the bible says he did. That means that he likely drank beer too in Egypt since he spent his youth there where youths routinely drank beer and you'd have been dead if you didn't (the water was very questionable until about the 17 hundreds!)

My interpretation of the bible does not condone the abandonment of self-defense and still views your life as a gift from God, not just to you, but to me. However- if you know the politics of the Presbyterian Church USA, you know that I can no longer attend. I'm considering going to a Catholic church but not actually joining. I'll give, but I can't condone a few of their views. But then- what church actually holds the bible as the word of God in more than a slogan anymore?

It is why I can easily condone polygamy in other posts, but wouldn't do it personally. I have actually read and reread the bible and believe it. If only I could get the other 90% of Christians to do the same- I'd be in gravy forever!
I have come to believe that the most important connection a person has to God is not through their church... it is through their own heart. If you are faithful, pray, do good works and read your scripture, then everything else should follow.

I choose my church to go and worship in, but I don't necessarily believe 100% in the views of the church I attend. I have never been to a church which I agreed with the leadership 100%. I don't think such a church exists.