I got some interesting mail from congressmen


New member
In today's mail I received letters from Rep. Ed Bryant and Sen. Fred Thompson. Both were replies to comments I had sent to them in regard to the Chinese theft of US nuclear and missle technology.
The letters are a bit long, but here are a few quotes:

From Sen. Thompson:
"I am gravley concerned about reports regarding the transfer of sensitive technology to the People's Republic of China in connection with the export of commercial U.S. satllites."
"China's continuing poor record on issues like weapons proliferation to rouge states and efforts to influence the American political system is cause for concern."
"It remains unclear whether the foreign influences that we uncovered during the course of our investigation actually facilitated the transfer of U.S. missle technology to the Chinese government. What we do know is that in exchange for illegal contributions, donors were offered virtually unrestricted access to the White house and top administrsation officials. Our investigation showed an infusion of foreign money, a sale of influence and a laundering of political contributions unparalled in American electoral history."
"Congressman Christopher Cox (R-CA) and the House select committee investigating technology transfers to China recently announced the completion of their final report. Although the report remains classified, the committee has indicated that the Chinese government has been ingaged in long -term efforts to acquire sensitive American technology and that U.S. national security has been harmed as a result."

From Rep. Bryant:
"Concerns about U.S. national security breaches center around the allegation that China stole the design of our most advanced miniaturized warhead- the W-88. This possibility is particularly troubling because this technology could enable the Chinese to place multiple warheads atops its long-range missles, increasing the threat to the United States and other countries."
"As you may know, last year President Clinton was criticized for his Executive Order allowing the release of guidance missle technology to China."
"As you know, the distibution of missle technology has been linked to alleged campain finance improprieties on the part of the President. With this in mind, it may interest you to know that the Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired by Represenative Chris Cox (R-CA) has completed its investigation into the allegation that the Clinton Administration may have allowed the Chinese goverment to acquire sensitive missle technology in exchange for campain contributions."

Both Congressmen are demanding that the classified Select Committee's 700 page report be released to the public.

In my mind there is no doubt that Clinton sold out our nation for his own greedy purposes. It also brings into focus his reasons for getting involved in Kosovo at this time. It's a basic Clinton tactic to distract attention away from his own crimes.
Contact your congressmen now! This report must be released. We are in a war because "Slick" is trying to cover his butt. :(

More bad news on the subject that I just read.

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited April 11, 1999).]
Cover his butt or divert attention?
Not the same thing. Slick isn't getting us into a war, the war was over with the first bomb. Serbia won.