I got rid of my Mother-in-Law

Onward Allusion

New member
Family gathering at our house yesterday. Christmas wishlists were asked from everyone. I didn't play . . . I told the family to get me what I like . . . "Get me ammo".

M-i-L was like "What's ammo?"

S-i-L says "Ammo as in ammunition"

M-i-L "For what"

S-i-L "For his guns"

M-i-L "He doesn't have any guns"

Me "Naw, I don't have any guns. They scare me."

S-i-L "Yes, --OA-- has guns. He shoots all the time."

M-i-L "What???"

Me "You're daughter (my wife) has a gun. We both have concealed carry licenses. We both carry every day."

M-i-L "Why would you do that?"

Mrs. OA to me "SHUT UP" (my B-i-L is laughing his butt off by this time)

Me "Because cops aren't around all the time".

<silence...subject is changed by niece...>

30 seconds later M-i-L comes up to me to say good bye...

I will never understand that mindset. I shoot and carry and I'm automatically an evil-doer? I don't get it.
My MIL actually borrowed a gun from me to keep at her house. I showed her how to load and shoot it. She turned out to be a decent shot for someone who had never fired a gun in her life. I always wondered in the back of my mind if she might use it on me since I played jokes on her all the time. The only thing was she was probably afraid my wife would move back home.:eek:
Do your best, in your own, best ways

Keep in mind that "they" are always a blessing but not always a joy ...:rolleyes:

If you think you spend too much time with them, all you have left, after they are gone, are memories. .... :cool:
I have to admit that I work real hard at keeping this, in mind. ...... :D

L.B.C. and
Be Safe !!!
My brother and sister in-law don't get it either. My brother was raised in a hunting\gun family. It never took with him.
Until her death, 18 years later, my mother in-law never knew I owned guns. But she kept a 22 revolver under her pillow.
I have learned the hard way that discussing concealed carry, or guns in general in a group setting is a bad idea. It is a very short list of people outside of my inner circle that know I carry a gun, or anything else about the firearms I own. Family members who might be civil in most situations can be downright mean-spirited in a family gathering. Life is too short to deal with the drama.

My m-i-l almost always gives me something that I don't need or want for Christmas. I'm good with that.
My M-in-L oassed a year and a half ago - I really miss her. She never gave me any heartache over guns, shooting or CCW. MY F-in-L was a WWII vet and a hunter and we used to go hunting all the time before and after my wife and I got married. Some of us just got lucky I guess! :-)
My MIL was pretty damned headstrong and always wanted to wear the pants and be the decision maker.

My FIL told her to go to hell lots more than once.

After the FIL passed, the MIL wanted to get her CCL and she did.

I coached her before hand and she did OK.

I bought her a Ruger 22LR ($75.00 at Monkey Wards back in 1976) and she had it in the crack of the seat when she traveled. She keot a 38 Spec on the nightstand and a SXS 20 ga in the rack just outside her bedroom.

She is in an assisted living place in Georgetown now. I have her guns.

Her license expired 3 years ago when she quit driving.

She was mean when we were younger, but I always tried to make her comfortable.
My mother in law was packing well before I married her daughter 30 years ago, and well before it was legal. She was a tough old bird. She had a rougher life than she deserved, and did right by her family as best she could. She passed away 6 years ago, and we still miss her.
I shoot and carry and I'm automatically an evil-doer? I don't get it.

You probably will never 'get it' just take heart that there is room for you with the rest of us in the basket of deplorables.
Only issue I have with my inlaws and guns, is that my FIL didn't offer his pre-64 Winchesters to me first when he decided to sell them...
She who would have been my mother-in-law died when she who became my wife was thirteen.

My mother, however, stepped in and admirably fulfilled the role of being the mother-in-law.
Really disliked some of her actions

My MIL drove me to drink at times, I thank god everyday that my mom taught my bride to cook!

That said i sure miss my MIL. She was a very special person. Really hard to understand why she was what she was. Far easier to understand once you knew her history. The lady went through a lot, to put it mildly.

She's been gone for almost ten years now, still miss her a lot.
I have learned the hard way that discussing concealed carry, or guns in general in a group setting is a bad idea.

I also think it's a good idea to not tell anyone you're packing. In a self-defense situation, there are two parties that should be surprised if I have to draw my weapon: the bad guy who intends to harm me and the good guy who might be my companion at the time. I can think of no good reason why anyone should be made aware that I am carrying a concealed weapon.

One of the reasons I don't want my friends to know I'm carrying is because there is the possibility that if a companion knows I'm armed, he/she might be tempted to escalate a confrontation, secure in the knowledge that I can "handle" the situation should it get out of hand.
In my family, it's actually my mother's side of the family that hates freedom.
If you want to drive a wedge into a family gathering and make things very unpleasant, very quickly, just bring up guns or hunting.

It often starts innocently enough: My cousin, who is an anti-gun vegan and animal rights activist living in Alaska, will ask us how our hunting went this (or last) year. Because, you see, she wrote her doctoral thesis after years studying subsistence hunting by Alaskan Natives, and 'recreational hunting' by the general Alaskan population; and came to respect hunters as much more than the blood-thirsty demons portrayed by liberal media.

She asks an innocent question, and then all hell breaks loose.

Or, the subject is actually broached by one of the staunch antis... "So, you guys still have all of those stupid guns?!"

It's "us" versus "them" ... with poor little vegan trying to fade into the shadows.

I've grown ever so tired of it. I avoid those family gatherings, and keep visits short when I do attend. "Them" don't actually want to talk. They just want to hear themselves talk, and try to pound their opinion down some one else's throat while making themselves feel superior.
Counting my blessings.

If i were to say "get me ammo for Christmas" the
response from anybody in my family would be "what caliber?"
The only one!

You should be the ONLY one that knows you are packin.

Concealed means concealed, and that does include sound as well as sight.

Your boss might be an exception if you pack at work. That's if your company does not have a policy in place already.