I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally got my Walther P99. After 3 months I finally got to get it out of lay away.
It's sweet I like it. I haven't got to shoot it but believe me I won't waste time.
Also, I was watching MSNBC last nite very very late, and to my surprise, they were doing a special on people that own guns and the popularity of them. They didn't paint a bad picture or anything. I thought it was cool.
I didn't know that there were two cities in this country that actually have laws that households were required to have a gun of some sort. And, I didn't know about the land out near Las Vegas that that guy owns that you can go to shoot uzis (sp???). That looked like a cool place to go to. This place also lets you take a four day shooting class that costs like 1 or 2 thousand dollars. If anyone is familliar with these things or watched the show please respond. I would love to hear what you'll think.
PS :D for my P99 :D :D :D :D

[This message has been edited by Christina Whittington (edited April 15, 2000).]
Congratulations, Christina!
May you have many happy hours at the range shooting, and at home cleaning, caressing and cooing to your newest.
Congradulations on bringing your new family member home Christina. :)
There is a place located just a short drive south of here in Branson that rents autos to folks. Also there are TFL members that are planning to bring their autos to the TFL End of Summer Meet in August http://www.thefiringline.com:8080/forums/showthread.php?threadid=46061 . So if ya'll were to make it up here from Texas I'm bettin' you'd get the chance to rock and roll here. ;)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Christina, congratulations on your new gun!

Regarding the Uzi's in Las Vegas, I was able to take that course after the SHOT Show earlier this year. Lots of fun, and very interesting. I felt the training was well done. It is held at Front Sight - www.frontsight.com (note, the site doesn't seem to be up this morning, but I believe this is still a good URL ... we'll see). You can also call Front Sight at 800/987-7719.

The concept of Front Sight is very interesting. They have an excellent school, and they are creating a master planned community around that school, as a community for shooters from around the world. They sell different packages - you can even buy lifetime memberships that come with a nice parcel of land. Or, you can attend one course at a time, like any other firearms school ... ala Gunsite, etc.

I wasn't in a position to take advantage of the land deal, but I liked the concept. Once they're done, it will be very interesting to see what the crime rate is in that community. My guess is that you'll be able to walk around town at 3:00am with no worries, mate. ;)

Regards from AZ

If you're interested in some training in defensive pistol, rifle or shotgun in the Dallas area, look at sdsinet.com. I am one of the instructors and a long time (too long sometimes) Richardson police detective and firearms trainer.

We've (SDSI) been written up, with favorable reviews, in recent issues of SWAT and Combat Handguns.

Take a look and get in touch!

Wayne Dobbs
Hearty congrats!
This is one of the many "firsts" that's not easily forgotten.
Good luck and safe shooting...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
Congrats. I have had a P99 for about a year now, and although I do not carry it now for political reasons, it is a good pistol that should give you years of service.

Defend the Constitution from the foreign threat!!!!
Christina, congrats on your new purchase and I hope it serves you very well.

Happy Shooting

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.