I got a Mosin 1891/30


New member
I got one yesterday.

Looks like mine is a 91/30 made in 1930 at Izhevsk with a Hex receiver.

got a tool kit and bayanet too for $160.

Not to bad I figure.

Anything else I should be looking for on the rifle?
You gone and done it now.
Next you'll get a M44 and then another; then figure you need a Tula 91/30 to go with the Izhevsk.
Seen it time and time again.
Milsurp are addictive.:D
My 91/30 is the only milsurp I own. I do like it, its fun to shoot and ammo is cheap. I bought a headspace gauge and checked it before firing the gun. Someone with more knowledge will be along shortly to explain the whole headspace thing better than I can.
Its a great gun, enjoy!
I would look for the SA cartouche, indicating Finnish capture.
Watch out, they are habit forming. I have 8 of them.
he's right.

I gotta go with madmo44mag on this one. C & R is addictive. I have a 91/30 Tula 1943. I would suggest that you field strip the gun. There will more than likely be cosmoline in every nook and cranny possible. Clean it well. After cleaning, place barrel in stock and tighten action screws to 50 inch pounds. Use a dollar bill and see if the stock hits the barrel anywhere. These are known for stock warpage causing pressure points where they shouldn't be. Carefully sand the area hitting the barrel until clear. Also, these do not seem to like a floating barrel. "Cork" it using cork gasket material or bicycle inertube strip about 1/2" wide, placed in the front of the stock's barred channel, just behind the nose cap. This puts a slight upward pressure on the barrel and usually shirinks group size considerably. Keep an eye on those action screws too, as they like to loosen up. You can also tweak the torque on these to see where your gun likes them at. These can be finicky but accurate if you take the time to love them. Have fun!!!

I forgot the headspace. Go/no go gauges are the easy way for us non smiths to check this. Place the go gauge in the chamber. The bolt should close with normal effort. Do the same with the no go gauge. The bolt should NOT close on the no go. The gauges will run $60-70 for both. A smith who has the guages will likely do it for you for around $20. Either way works. Best of luck on your new Mosin Nagant.