I found a friend to shoot with!

Miss Demeanors

New member
:) Yes! This is really weird......a friend gave me a business card of an old friend I graduated grammar school with. On his card it said he was the chief organizer of the Chicago Reform party and had an URL and an email. So I checked out the site and decided to email him. He started talking politics so I asked him if he was pro-gun. He emails me back and says yes! He just moved back from TN and I guess he had an SKS but sold it. He said right now he has a 9mm Beretta and a sawed off shotgun (?) He said we can go shoot in a few weeks! Yahooooooooo! We are going to rent an AR too! :) So now I know 2 people that will take me to shoot! :) I'm sooooo happy right now! :) But I have one thing to say...if anyone decides they want to start trouble/riots whatever in Y2k....I will kill you! I am going shooting so dont mess it up for me! :)

and a Merry Christmas it will be! :)

BTW......what IS a sawed off shotgun? LOL I;m game but would like to know what I can expect. :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Good.. you'll love shooting.
A sawed off shotgun is a shotgun that has had the barrel shorted (sawed off). It could kick a lot with magnum loads (OUCH), but you can handle it, just put it tight against you shoulder and make sure your cheek stays on the stock.

Everybody in the chicago area is welcome to come to Kokomo and shoot with us. Some members of the Chicago Heights PD have actually taken me up on this offer, they had a blast, AR's, Mini's, Garands, SKS's, 45's, 357 mag, 44 mag, 357 sig and so on.

Patrick Graham
"It could kick a lot with magnum loads (OUCH)"

What do you mean Ouch? Now ya got me nervous! :)

Casinos! We have boats here but they are kinda far away. Still, there are not many people that I know that shoot. :(

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
OUCH- meaning that the gun will probably leave "hickies" on your shoulder if you shoot it too much! But what the heck, it'd be worth the pain!

Have fun shooting, I envy you.... <grumble grumble> :(

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
A sawed off shotgun? Let us hope that you didn't just rat out your old buddy who has an illegally converted NFA short barrelled shotgun. That is a felony and my guess is that these boards are monitored. Let's just say that the barrel is at least 18" with an overall length of 26".
I guess according to the "law" it's illegal, but according to the REAL law it's not.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Is it really illegal? You must let me know before I get myself in unwanted trouble. I have not seen my friend in years, so I am not too sure if he 'follows the law' or not. If it is illegal, they wouldn't let us shoot it at the range then, right?

Oh great! Well if ya dont hear from me at the end of Jan, I'll be sitting in jail. ;)

Pain can be dealt with, bond can not. :)
Miss D.,

I'm speaking Constitutionally. However, I refer you to Jeff OTGM's post about barrel length and overall shotgun length.

These are the minimums in inches for a rifle before it becomes "illegal".

(Please sense the distain I have for such feel-good and worthless "laws")


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
It's not necessarily illegal, if it is a registered NFA firearm. Also, many people (incorrectly) call a pistol grip equipped shotgun a "sawed off." If it is the later, be sure to hold it far away from your face, if you fire it regardless of the gauge. Many years ago, I got carried away with a Winchester Defender, held it too close to my face, and it cost me 12 stitches in the lip!
Miss Demeanors, a Mossburg Cruiser is a
shotgun with out a butt stock but having
only a pistol grip instead. It complies
with the legal minimum barrel length of 18.5 inches and the minimum over all length of 26 inches.

Please measure your friend's shotgun
before going shooting. Use a pull out tape measure. If the gun does not measure up,
dont go shooting with that gun and see about
destroying the old barrel & buying a new barrel. An accetlyene tourch or friction
saw comes to mind. A descrete burial at sea
aint a bad idea for the demilled (ruined)
Geez,,,,,I just want to shoot, I don't want to come back looking like I have been through a war zone. lol I will make sure to find out about the barrel length too. I do want to try the shotgun, but I wish it was an AR. :D

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica