I found a "decent" source for "some" ammo.


New member
Costal Farm and Ranch.
Very nice folks. Pride themselves for carrying as many "made in the USA" items as possible, as well as their professional customer friendly demeanor. Old style, where you get eye contact and a greeting, instead of workers running away to avoid questions.
Anyhoo, I called the man behind the gun counter and straight out asked him when they received their shipments which might include ammunition. He told me the one day of the week and time of day ammo would arrive, then give him a few minutes to stock the shelves.
Turns out they had .22LR I was looking for, and decent prices. One brick of 800 Federal 40gr per customer for $45.00.

I'll likely be traveling through a couple of those towns in July but doubt if it will be the day they stock. :(
FunGramps, their web site shows a box of 275-Federal 40gr bullets for $12.99.(That's 0.047 each). I didn't see any 800 for $45, which is 0.056 each. ?????
I bought ammo on clearance at Dicks a couple years ago and got ragged on when I shared the source online by people saying they would never buy there. But if they were losing money and I was saving, I didn't care! Now would I pay CTD prices on ammo today??? Not on your life!
Here's a good reason for the shortage. In NE TN there is an AMMO AUCTION scheduled; the "living estate" of an individual. They bill this auction as having more ammo than all the retail outlets in the Appalachian Highlands, combined! I perused the auction listing and it IS extensive. My hope is that the costs of sale exceeds funds received. The stock goes well beyond "prepper" or active reloader. This is a real HOADER stock.