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I Feel Like TFL Is Dying

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New member
When I joined this forums in 2011, I really enjoyed it. My questions were almost always answered with logical and correct information. People were very helpful. This was the place for help and useful information.

After I enlisted I too quite some time off of TFL and hadn't really picked it up steady until recently. In my last few months being active on here I have noticed some very troubling patterns and changes from 2011.

Several times I have seen the question "does anyone have experience with this". Then I see senior members replying with their often misguided thoughts and ABSOLUTLEY no actual experience. Completely failing to actually help anyone but instead just blow steam cause they want somebody to hear them.

I had a guy try and start some guff with me because "my 22 groups looked like shotgun patterns and something was wrong with me" Point of this one was that he was he didn't know the whole story but needed to put in his misguided opinions anyways.

These aren't a once in a while things. I keep seeing these two patterns consistently here.

I'm not sure what the issue is exactly. Perhaps its people speaking when they shouldn't. Perhaps it a lack of actually truthful knowledge left here. I want to enjoy this place. It want it to be a useful place with helpful people. But I'm struggling to find that. I'm struggling to ask questions here because I have begun to highly doubt the credibility of the responses.

I don't want to let TFL go, but I'm running out of reasons to stay. Anyone feel the same? What can we do?
Forums are an interesting insight into human behavior. I've noticed patterns of behavior just in different pages on this forum. Neither good nor bad, just, interesting. One thing you have to keep in mind with online forums is the anonymity, people get to hide behind their screens. That being said TFL is well regulated and 99% of the members are polite and cordial.
A few of the regulars most definitely push the bounds and their OPINIONS pretty hard sometimes. I've read a number of times things where some will say everything short of "you're a flopping moron" in regards to something that can meary be boiled down to opinion. Its definitely irksome but for me at least, not enough to warrant giving up TFL. I still really like it here and have learned that just like anywhere else, some folks words hold more meaning than others. There is a vast wealth of knowledge here as well as lots and lots of good, well intended people. Dont let the detractors get under your skin to much.

One thing I've found to help is improving the way I ask a question so that another person can interpret it as well as can be expected.
Unfortunately, people will find whatever soapbox they can to spout their opinions as facts. Thank goodness there is still a lot of members here with a lot of knowledge and experience who aren't afraid to call out those who are merely spouting off their opinions. Staff is also fairly good at keeping things civil. There are plenty of other forums, but I still hang out at TFL.
OP, I understand your concern.Heck,I might be one of the people you are talking about.
Its not unusual for me to begin a post with " I have ne experience with ...."

I think "Caveat Emptor" applies.Let the buyer beware. Our internet provides us with nearly unlimited information,from network news to the words of politicians to YouTube You can find medical advice,love advice,legal advice.....
And as long as its free,itsall worth every dime you paid for it.
You can buy gun magazines.Some authors are better than others. Some write questionable material.Sometimes,instead of the internet,the issue might better be taken to a gunsmith,or Doctor,or Lawyer.

If you are prospecting for Gold,you start with a shovel full of mud. Its up to you to pan it down to leavings,fool's gold,and flecks and nuggets of value.

Its up to you to decide who is credible. And even then,you might trust 90%. Save 10% skepticism to take care of yourself. Everyone is fallible.Most do the best they can at helping you.

What may keep the site useful is the quality of your own filter.

Ultimately,make and own your own decisions.

Even when 20 different "experts" with opposing opinions get into a lively discussion with 4 sidetracks,,whizzing contests,etc...A lot can be learned,even from the opposition.,You come to recognize personalities and styles.

If nothing else,you can get on your own search browser,or conduct your owntests,or step up to a lathe or a file and "get her done" then tell us what you learned.
There is no free lunch
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sigsheparado, I agree with you 100%. It gets tiresome when anyone with a keyboard and no actual experience still tries to answer the question. I think most of them read an article or two and become instant experts on the subject matter. I often wonder what the average age is on here. I suspect it's getting younger and younger, and the actual "hands on" experience you're asking for simply isn't there. I guess you have to start your thread saying "I'm looking for actual experience only, not opinions, guesses, or changing the subject". That might cut it down by a third or so.
This forum is well run, and is way more civil nd informative than most. Seeking advice on the internet is full of pitfalls and varied opinions.
If it REALLY matters any internet group is likely not the best place to solicit advice. Seems like you were offended by one or two errant comments. Take it for what it's worth.
Some time ago a wise person suggested that before we post a reply to a thread, that we should ask ourselves if we are adding anything new to the discussion or just saying "me too". I see too many threads wander off into the weeds, sometimes it's more helpful to not reply to a thread....
I have had experience with dying message boards. What happens is people get tired of it and stop showing up. That hasn't happened yet.

Heavy moderation helps a little around here. Some moderators are quite a bit better than others leading to it being a little uneven.

Lots of good gun boards out there. If you get tired of this one just move on.
As this country becomes more course and less civil one can expect that to bleed into gun forums as well.

there’ll always be chest thumping when you get guys talking guy things but what surprises me is how much attitude towards fellow gun owners have changed.

It used to be that a gun was enough for commonality and back when a more significant portion of the gun community were hunters the commonality bridged the gap between Rural and city gun owners.

Now it seems that everyone tries to fit into groups as per their interests, creating polarizing attitudes.

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I have had experience with dying message boards. What happens is people get tired of it and stop showing up. That hasn't happened yet.
Sure it has - three times I can recall....you just haven't been here long enough to have seen it.
In fact it just happened to me over on another page of this board, snarky butt comment that added nothing to the conversation but gloat and coarseness. Entirely unnecessary.
Chainsaw. (and others) - when you see something like that, report it. Use the triangular icon with the exclamation point in it.
This forum is pretty tame in my opinion which I appreciate. As far as people speaking with out knowledge......well, that’s a staple of any forum.
As far as people speaking with out knowledge......well, that’s a staple of any forum.
There are sources of information which, to one extent or another, carry some implied endorsement of the experience/knowledge level of the person(s) providing the information. Forums are sort of the opposite of that.

The appeal is that one can scan a wide range of experience and opinions in one place. The downside is that each member is responsible for deciding which opinions and information to endorse and therefore accept.
Perhaps its people speaking when they shouldn't. Perhaps it a lack of actually truthful knowledge left here. I want to enjoy this place. It want it to be a useful place with helpful people. But I'm struggling to find that. I'm struggling to ask questions here because I have begun to highly doubt the credibility of the responses.
Good moderation attempts to insure that the exchange of information is polite, that participants are not intentionally providing false information or stirring up trouble, and that participants are capable of rational interaction.

Good moderation is not focused on insuring that everyone's opinions align with the currently accepted norm; it isn't really about being the "truth police". There are some exceptions where safety or legalities demand more stringent control of the information posted, but for the most part, members should be allowed to post what they feel is correct even if the staff has different opinions on the topic.
Traffic on this forum is slowing down.

Fact of the matter is, though, that traffic on MANY forums is slowing down.

I personally believe that a lot of it has to do with the rise of Facebook and its many interest forums that mirror forums like TFL.

As forum traffic slows and posts become fewer, I suspect we tend to see more snark, not because there's more of it, but because the message traffic from people who are answering the question honestly doesn't drown it out nearly as quickly.

As Mal said, if someone tries to take your thread off the rails, or gets a case of ass, report the post and we'll look at it.
One thing I've found to help is improving the way I ask a question so that another person can interpret it as well as can be expected.
^^That. Right on. That is the best advice to everyone posting (including me, here). Yes, my post here is me essentially saying, "me too". But my reason for doing that is I think it is so important. Be accurate, be clear, and be concise.

It want it to be a useful place with helpful people. But I'm struggling to find that.
Then be the kind of person you want to find here. Others are looking for the same thing. I have found this to be a very useful place with very nice and helpful people. Not everyone here is that way, but most of them are. So I do ask myself if my reply is useful or helpful to someone else. And I feel I can reply to something even if I am not an expert, and even if I do not have direct experience. Indirect experience (e.g. I have a friend who ...) can also be useful. It's probably safe to assume that most replies are not from experts - most of us are probably not. If an original poster wants expert advice only, or direct experiences only, then that should be stated.
Another thing I appreciate about TFL is there are some VERY knowledgeable members on here and they are not afraid to call out those who are talking out of their behinds. While that may be perceived as snarky, I think it is necessary to call out those who post without any real knowledge or experience. I think a rating system like Quora would be helpful or at a minimum, rating members by votes or endorsements to help newer members decide who is worth listening to.
In my time here I have seen a lot of ebb and flow of the membership. Lots of good, knowledgeable members have been run off over the years for one reason or another. There is still a good pool of knowledge but it is often drowned out by noise. We all at time contribute to that noise. I know that I do. I think that a lot of "knowledgeable" people stop posting because it is not worth arguing with people who clearly do not know what they are talking about. After awhile the best and most knowledge often simply leave. People like 1911tuner come to mind.

There is also a lot of "group speak" and it creates an "echo chamber" where particular voices and opinions are treated as facts and placed above other valid opinions because of the "title" below the user name. If you agree with that voice your time here is easier and more enjoyable. If you don't too often your voice is silenced in the name of servility. It is not as bad as say the Sigforum but it happens here. I know people don't want to acknowledge this but it is true. In some sections of the forum it is almost the law.

There was a time that the classifieds were and active part of the forum but these days nothing moves there. No one comes here looking to buy or sell anymore. This used to bring a lot of users here IMHO.

One of the issue I see with TFL is that it runs on a very old platform. IIRC vBulletin® Version 3 was released over 10 years ago. It is ancient by todays standards. We cannot "like" posts. There is no way to tag good posts vs bad posts. It has been scientifically proven that "likes" and "recognition" drives traffic on social media sites. I know that the software is not cheap and it does not buy itself but this is an old platform and it is showing its age.

In the end all message boards and sites like this have their rise and fall. These days I find the most active and helpful sites are much more focused on a particular platform or particular geographic area. Reddit and FB groups are also taking away from the membership here. Lots of things are contributing.

Hopefully it won't go the way of the dodo.
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