I Dont Know What All These Abbreviations Mean!!!

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New member
Hi everyone,

I have been a regular shooter for some years now, so I THOUGHT I knew most of the lingo out there. Reading some of these posts, I sometimes cant get the jist of it because I cant figure out what the hell all the abreviations mean.

I say we start a list (possiblly a STICKY???)

FTE: Fail to Eject
FTF: Fail to Fire
BG: Bad Guy

Lets keep it going!!!

Abbrevations index or blog...

This topic is funny because I was thinking the same thing! ;)

It made me think a website or blog could be a good way to clear up or explain what some terms mean but some groups or terms may have the same abbrevations.

I saw EDC for about 2/3 weeks before I knew it meant Everyday Carry.
BUG means a back up gun.
SOP means standard operating procedure
IAW means in accordance with
ATFE means Alcohol Tobacco Firearms & Explosives. This is what replaced the ATF. ATFE is now a part of Homeland Security not US Treasury.
LEO means a sworn law enforcement officer
FAM means a US federal air marshal
ICE is Immigration & Customs Enforcement(homeland security)
DAO means double action only
NRA means National Rifle Association(but you should be an active member, ;))
BPD - Bullet Propulsion Device (gun)
CAR - Cowboy Assault Rifle (lever action)
DOF - Depends On Finances
HBAR - Hillbilly Assault Rifle (in some applications)
OSP - Ooh Something Pistol
RAR - Redneck Assault Rifle (Winchester 30-30)
SWMBO - She Who Must Be Obeyed
WECSOG - Wyle E. Coyote School Of Gunsmithing

Bart Noir
Here's a couple that are common in the Law and Civil Rights forum:

SCOTUS-Supreme Court of the United States
POTUS- President of the United States


C&R- Curio and Relic
JHP- Jacketed Hollowpoint
SJHP- Semi-Jacketed Hollowpoint
HBWC- Hollowbase Wadcutter
SWC- Semi-Wadcutter
LSWCHP- Lead Semi-Wadcutter Hollowpoint
FMJ- Full Metal Jacket
FMJTC- Full Metal Jacket Trunacated Cone
RNFP- Round Nose Flat Point
TEOTWAWKI- The End of the Word as we Know It.
2A- Second Amendment
DD- Destructive Device (a legal term)
AOW- Any Other Weapon (another legal term)
MG- Machine Gun
SMG- Submachine Gun
SxS- Side-by-Side (usually applied to double barrel shotguns and rifles)
OU- Over and Under (also applied to double barre shotguns and Rifles)
AR- Assault Rifle, also a generic term for AR-15/M16 variants
EBR- Evil Black Rifle
Mxx- Model xx as an example M29=Model 29

I'm always confused as to whether FTF means "Failure to Feed" or "Failure to Fire".
I figure FTF usually means Failure To Feed, misfires are less common.

Then there is FTE which may be taken as Failure To Extract or Failure To Eject.

Always best to spell things out when you are trying to get help for a problem.
Even more random terms...

Here are a few more in no real order;

DoD: US Dept of Defense
SBS: Short Barrel Shotgun
HRT: the FBI's elite Hostage Rescue Team
USMC; US Marine Corps
CAG: Combat Applications Group(what was Delta-SFOD1)
SEAL: Sea Air Land the US Navy Special Warfare(special forces)
SWAT: sit, wait & talk or Special Wespons and Tactics
AP: armor piercing
HP: a Browning or FN Hi-Power pistol
ACP: Automatic Colt Pistol
MP: military police
SP: shore patrol(US Navy) or security police(USAF)
BMG: Browning Machine Gun
GA: gauge ie; 16ga 12ga etc
PI: private investigator
It seems we get a thread on acronyms about every three months like clockwork. We have had a list of them in our Library from just about the beginning of TFL:
along with the one TMackey supplied above.

Let's use those lists instead of creating yet another thread on acronyms.

In the Library there are other acronym lists and finders as well if the one you're looking for isn't in the main list.


(S&W Kinda Guy - it's not clear where the link in your post was supposed to go.)
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