I done stepped in it now :p


New member
Well I went and put a bid on a Makarov on Gunbroker (since the seller has 5 or 6 of them up I imagine I'll win the auction with no problem). So I have a few questions...

The gun is advertised as "Unissued" and "Unfired" so I'm assuming it will be packed in Cosmoline or some other such stuff, so what do I need to do with it before firing it?

Does it need a complete field stripping and cleaning? Or just wipe it down, load it up and go?

Also, are there any little quirks a newbie Mak owner should look out for?

Does anyone have a Mak manual online (preferably in PDF)?
As for the cosmoline issue, it may vary from pistol to pistol.

My IJ-70 was covered in somewhat dried cosmoline, and a quick field strip and wipe-down ( I used Mean-Green degreaser) was all that was needed. Of course, you want to replace that cosmoline with quality oil after cleaning.

As for funny quarks, I can't think of any off-hand.
Silver-Bears may not like your magazines, so if you plan on any, buy it by the box first before investing in bulk.

If you find the grip too small (as I did), you may want to replace it with a Pierce grip or as I did, slip on a Hogue Hand-all Jr.

I'm sure you'll enjoy your new toy. :)
Monday I saw a table of ammo and on it was a pile of 50 round boxes of Mak fodder. Six bucks and change each. Only thing cheaper is .22 ammo.
Yes, there is one quirk. Maks don't use firing pin springs. It is very important that you remove & clean the firing pin, and the firing pin channel. Lightly oil the firing pin before reassembly. Failure to do this may result in light primer hits and misfires.

Depending on how hard the cosmoline is, Gun Scrubber tends to work pretty good.
The one I bid on is a Bulgarian

here's the ad

Damn, Lennyjoe, where where you yesterday :p

I had bid on one of the other Maks this guy has up yesterday and someone came along and clicked "Buy Now" on the one I had bid on ... almost hope that happens again now.

Oh well, the one I bid on is supposed to be "unissued and unfired" which the one at Southern Ohio doesn't claim to be so that's how I'll justify the extra expense :p
Z:- $149.00 for a "New - Unissued" Mak is not bad. That's what Jersey City Armory had them for awhile back.
Mine from SOG have been in really good shape. Bores like new.
Welcome to the Makarov Collective!!! $149 ain't bad. By the time you add the shipping and the usual FFL transfer fee, you will add another $40, at least, to the purchase price!!!!

All the cosmo must be expundged from the weapon. That means detail stripping it before you fire it. As stated above, www.makarov.com has excellent instructions on how to do this. :cool: Any good brand of degreaser will do the job. I have read of people soaking their new Maks overnight in kerosene. I used Simple Green and a toothbrush. It was more work, but less toxic!!!! Again, pay close attention to that firing pin channel. ;)

Makarovs are the Glocks of the old Eastern Bloc!!!!! That should tell you a lot. ;)

Have fun with it!! :D

Oh, one more thing. J&G Sales( www.jgsales.com ) in Prescott AZ sells Wolf 9x18 for $100/1000rds I mention this because, forget everything bad you have ever heard about Wolf. When it comes to the Makarov, the gun and the ammo were originally designed to work together!!! It's the best!!! :)