I didn't lose a son, I gained a ,,,,


New member
Shooter :)

Bonehead Jr. got married. We met Mrs.Bonehead on Fathers day. Surprised isn't the word for it. After the introductions and plesantries were out of the way, my daughter in law asks " So when are we all going shooting?" What can I say? The kid did alright.

Hal, things like that happen sometimes. :) My congratulations to you.

I was married last September, and one of my my wife's dinner topics is generally, "Guess what Rush was talking about today?" At the bachelor gathering, my father-in-law brought out a bunch of, um, "modified" model rockets for the launching pleasure of all. A question I get asked occaisionally is, "Hey, Don, when can you take me shooting again?" Sometimes the "experts" are right, it's not just the marriage of two people, but two families.

One of my wife's current gripes? My Gov't Model isn't "comfortable" for her to shoot, she wants to find something a bit smaller, "for her". I think I can live with that. Life is good, indeed.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Thanks guys.
The newlyweds are going to spend the 4th of July weekend here with us. Why? My daughter-in-law wants me to take them shooting, and she found out I am a fanatic,,,,ummm,,,lets just say I really appreciate pyro displays.

Hi Hal.

I'm curious. Based on the very little information available, it seemed like the marriage was a surprise? Isn't it traditionally that Bonehead Jr's are suppose to bring home future Mrs. Boneheads back to the parent's place to meet each other first? And then families from both sides all get together and throw a nice wedding?

If so, how does it feel about the marriage being a surprise? I noticed that you decided to look at it from the bright side, which I think is wonderful. But are there other issues? If so, what are they? Feel free to e-mail me instead if that is more comfortable for you.
SB: Not a problem, were all family here right? :) Yes this was very much a surprise. Bonehead Jr. was dateing another girl and broke up with her at the end of April. He surprise my wife on Sunday night when I was out of town with a call,(the Sunday before father's day) that he had gotten married on June 5th. My wife and I worried and fretted for a week because of the "jump into" factor. My own first marriage was to a girl I had know for just a few months, and I later regretted it. It came as a complete shock and surprise to all of us. Well, after meeting her on father's day, and spending a few hours with her, I told BH Jr I would kick his a$$ so far up his body, he would $hit out of his mouth, if he let this girl get away. He did OK. I have never seen my boy so happy in his life. She is good to him and good for him. I pray they will find the same happiness my wife and I have enjoyed for the last 18 years. I really think they will. Looks like those Italian thunderbolt things hold true for us Krauts too :)


[This message has been edited by Hal (edited June 30, 1999).]