I did something today I haven’t done in 40+ years. My 22 year old Son, 28 year old Son-in-law and myself loaded up five .22 bolt action rifles (iron sights only), 1000 rounds of bulk pack ammo, and about 20 tin cans and headed to an open pasture to do some shooting. We set the cans out at around 25 yards and started shooting. When they got rolled out to around 50 yards, we stopped and brought them back in closer. Before we knew it, four hours and around 600 rounds disappeared. While those two boxes of bulk pack .22LR cost me $70, it was well worth it. I feel like a kid again! I strongly urge everyone to do this once in a while! Have fun with your kids, regardless of their age, while you can, the day may come it’s not possible to do any longer.