I cant stand the Republicans or the Democrats.


New member
Between the Democrats taking away my second ammendment rights and the Repulicans taking away my first amemdment rights I just feel that out government has taken too much control in my life. After all the Democrats tried to make it harder for me to get a gun I though the worst was behind us but now I turn on CNN and see the Rebulicans trying to limit the video games I can play and movies I can watch (I never thought I would have to send letters to my representatives to tell them not to take away my first ammendment rights as well as my second). I cant stand it any longer its time to get government out of our lives.

Can you believe it I like playing doom, watching violence on TV, have an Evil Black Assault Rifle, am only 19 and I havent even killed anyone yet. I must be the rare person that can like these thinks and not be a mass murderer!
Amen, brother Blitz.

You forgot to mention that the Repubs would also like to destroy your fourth and seventh (search & seizure freedom, and jury trial right), and the Dems (actually both parties) also enjoy oblitering the tenth (reserving the general police power to the states, not the federal gummit)

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited July 01, 1999).]
1. Yeah.

2. Totally forget where, but somebody commented that the only difference from our standpoint is that total gun control is eagerly sought after by the Dems, and would creep in slowly under the Pubes.

3. Sadly, I'll hold my nose and vote for the creep.

4. My heart is with the Libertarian and the Reform Parties. The "Lesson of Perot" is, however, that voting there means a win for the Dems.
Art, you hit the nail on the head. A "split vote" results in a win for the Dems.

You know, the real "enemy" here is not the government.

The real problem is a massive ignorant population.

Let's say, for example, that we could sit down and talk 1-on-1 with every citizen in the US and give them a 20 minute lesson about what the different Partys *really* represent. Given only 20 minutes, the outcome of the next election would, I believe, favor the Liberitarians.

Maybe Jesse Ventura could pull it off in 2004...

I voted for Perot... At least he might be able to reduce the National Debt!

All politicians suck, vote for who sucks least.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
(Well, you KNEW I'd drop in. ;) )

I'll hold my nose and vote Libertarian. Then, when the Republicans cave in to the Democrats, I'll be able to curse them both because I voted for neither.

Your vote does NOT show whom you are against.
Your vote shows whom you support.

Your vote will show whether or not you support the Second Amendment.

And, yes, it IS as simple as that.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 01, 1999).]
So, BLITZKRIEG ... you're another one of those weirdo's, eh? ;) I'll bet you go so far as to believe in personal and economic freedom, right? You're probably also one of those nutcases that still believes in personal responsibility aren't you? I thought so.

deanf gave you a good link. Try http://www.cato.org/ as well. And remember ... the best answers aren't often the most obvious, or especially the ones 'everyone' knows are right.

Regards from AZ.
Just get out there and VOTE. Klintoon was elected by less than 50%of the less than half the regestered voters. that means that only about 25% of the regestered voters elected him. VOTE, speak out on what you know to be the truth. too many people only watch the network news, and all they tell is the liberal/socialist spin.Most of the sheeple out there are clueless of the truth. speak up,work for the officials you believe in, VOTE
I'm off my soap box for now

Jeff T: It would be fun to see Ventura "make his bones" for the next four years and build a track record of success as Governor. Then, given he's already gotten $10 million or more free name-identification, put his flamboyance and track record on the Presidential trail.

He's about the only individual I see who could get the non-voters to show back up at the polls.

Seems to me that there are the Party Faithful (both majors) voters, the "responsible citizens" voters, and the disaffected were-voters who have said, "Screw it, it doesn't matter."

I think it would take a flamboyant character who also has a successful track record to pull those disaffected back in, plus pick up enough of the rest of the voters to get a third-party President...

I think that only flamboyance could get the free press coverage it would take to offset the sort of money the Shrub has gathered in.

you are right on target. You can either choose to aid the wolf, by voting democrat; or the retarded wolf in sheep's clothing that actually looks pretty wolfish and sounds pretty wolfish, and for that matter smells pretty wolfish, but is convinced that is different from the wolf, by voting Republican. Either way you get the same result: more gov't control of your life. Sure, the wolf will do it faster, but the wolfish sheep will do it cheaper, if a mite slower.

Here's some more links to sites away from the pack: http://www.infomagic.com/liberty/vinyard.htm the writings of Vin Suprynowizc

http://www.webleyweb.com/lneil / L. Neil Smith, true gun-rights advocate

http://www.curleywolfe.net/cw/Lodge.html Claire Wolfe's homepage. this lady is not a wolf, she eats them for breakfast.

Who knows, maybe you'll end up voting for a pro-gun, pro-freedom candidate instead of helping the predators.

Me, I'm thinking about canceling some wolf-sheep votes by voting wolf. I'm such a contrarian.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."

[This message has been edited by Ipecac (edited July 02, 1999).]
Ipecac,“...choose to aid the wolf, by voting democrat...” “Me, I'm thinking about canceling some wolf-sheep votes by voting wolf. I'm such a contrarian.”

Was that a typo or are you going to join HCI and kiss Sarah Brady too?...Just to be a “contrarian”? ;)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 02, 1999).]
Dennis, why should I join HCI when I'm already a life member of the largest gun control organization in the country? ;)

As for the "kiss Sarah Brady" remark, that has to be a joke. I don't think even Jim does that.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."