I can hear the fan...buy guns now!


Moderator Emeritus
A news snippet..
AG Reno is calling for universal gun registration and owner licensing. Add in yesterday's similar statements from Di Fi and Chuckie.

The most base and corrupt AG in US history, gallons and gallons of blood on her hands, treason oozing from her pores is now calling for enslavement...Waco, Ruby Ridge, Chinagate, Vince Foster, FBI files....yeah I trust that cow

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Dont for get to buy massive amount of ammo too. They will probably start monitoring THAT too...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

...and stash it all in the home of a friend/relative who never bought a gun.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Sorry, Gary, but I gotta call you on that one. Stashing your goodies in someone else's home is no better than burying it in the woods, and could actually be worse... call me paranoid, but I'd trust no one that much.

Remember "Sunset at Coffin Rock?"

If Dammit Janet succeeds in her latest quest for confiscation, my guns, ammo, and related accessories stay with me 24/7. I won't leave them at home when I'm out, and I surely won't ask others to watch my back.

Of course, I can manage that trick with no real difficulty, since I've whittled my collection down to 3, and ammo doesn't take that much space.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
One reason why I favor simple guns, such as .38 revolvers. Even an untrained person can manage to use up the first 5-6 rounds. The plan is to keep extras on hand for self or others. Still, if history is a reliable guide, guerilla warfare is a bit more than I can stomach. Better than some alternatives, but utterly scary anyway. Hope it doesn't come to that.
I believe if you already have guns, you'd better buy ammo. A gun ain't no good w/o something to shoot it with. I saw during the Gulf War how quickly military style ammo, 223,308,9mm,45acp can dry up. A friend had a surplus/gun store and not long after the war started he found it almost impossible to get
the above stated ammo. I saw right then the need to have a little extra on hand. He also had problems w/ reloading stuff, mostly powder. Haven't I read somewhere on here that the fed is limiting the amount of foriegn ammo comming into the country? it seems like I have, but my memory ain't doodo. if they can do that, they can put linits on the amount you can but, or the amount the companies can make.. my.02 YMMV

what me worry?

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited August 13, 1999).]
I consider myself a realist rather than a pessimist ......

But I agree with DC.

Cutting off the ammo supply is the easiest way to render your firearm useless.

You don't reload??? Learn now!! And lay in a stock of components while you still can.

Scary business...

Learning to re-load is easy and much more satisfying. Now all I need to do is find an inexpensive rifle in .203, or .308



If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Remember the Liberator pistol of WWII? Our government dropped them in the thousands (millions?) behind German lines.

They had 5 rounds of .45 ACP in the handle. The theory was you go up to a Nazi ask him for a match and when he is off guard shoot him in the head and take his rifle and ammo.

I see the same theory working in the 2nd American Revolution. How many guns, ammo and other goodies that go bang could you "harvest" with a .22?

Granted the opportunity has to be right, but the UN soldier/socialist gungrabber will be a vertible storehouse of .223 or 7.62x39 ammo.
Um, I believe that now is the time to return to the thread's original line-- get your guns, the ones that you will want, now.

This is NOT a thread on sedition.

There are those who might misinterpret it as such, y'all (Leadfoot!); shall we tone it down a bit?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 17, 1999).]
Coinneach. Tonight I just read the Coffin Rock story. What a sorry story and a sorry state of affairs. Training kids to rat on their parents smacks of what the Nazis, Soviets and Communist Chinese did to their own people.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Exactly, Gary. I had a nice warm fuzzy feeling until the last paragraph... then my jaw unhinged.

Keep 'em locked, keep 'em loaded, and keep 'em handy.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
The public fool system IS now teaching the students,if you want to call them students, to rat on their parents. The Bible mentions how children will turn on their parents and America is ripe for a commie system of stoolpidgens, especially the young. The average Johnny or Jane at school could be as big a enemy to a gun owner as any card carrying comrade. Who has those bad guns, children?
Review what Longpath said as far as the thread started. Get your original gun or guns now. The Japanese will not be air dropping
Liberator pistols and ammo on us, just laughing. No one else will either.
Besides that, my wife says "Pump shotguns and canned goods are a great investment" Now guess who convinced her of that.
Funny, I offered to sell/trade 3006 and 300 win mag for 870/ar or glocks, no takers...none nada....hmmm I wonder why???

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Sounds like a bunch thats given up the fight! Hey,it AIN'T over TILL its over,guys! KEEP calling your reps! KEEP getting others involved! KEEP up the good fight! This is NOT.......I repeat NOT,an inevitibility!! There IS a 2nd Amendment they have to deal with here. The ONLY way THEY win is if WE give up the fight,PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

None of us have given up yet...but the pols do seem to be deaf.

We're just planning ahead in case Klinton drops the curtain on the Constitution.
Leadfoot is correct. The curtain very probably is coming down on our Constitution. Since the 60's the watchmen on the walls,us,parents, and grandparents, have let the anti gunners basically have their way with their communist programs. Yes, get all you can get now.