I broke 2 out of 3 guns!!!!!


New member
The other night, I went to the range.
Tonight, I was cleaning those guns.
I wondered why the P-11 slide would not lock back on an empty mag. The ejector is broken off! Time for a trip to Florida!

Adding insult to injury, as I was cleaning my S&W 22a, I found the hook at the bottom rear of the slide rail was broken, too.
I may have broken that off myself, during disassembly, but I found no pieces anywhere tonight.
I can't imagine how this could break during normal use, but I sure don't remember any extra fragments anywhere during previous cleanings, either.
The only other gun I took with me that night was the Remington 597. It is unscathed as far as I can tell.

"Any world that I'm welcome to.....Is better than the one I come from"
Call Smith&Wesson about the part. Mine broke, and they sent me 3 replacements!

I don't have time for busy people
I sent the KelTec in today. The S&W will go out when they send the FedX stuff. They pay the freight.
I gotta say, for a company who made a deal with the devil, they were sure nice on the phone, and seemed to be efficient and glad to help.
The Houlton ,Main plant that made my 22a, from what I have heard, is closed now.
What a shame.
Smith and Wessons shoes got squeezed really hard. It has hurt their business badly. Too much too late I think.(As far as being nice is concerned.) There's a lotta innocent folks who got their shoes squeezed in all of this too.

It's a good life if you can survive it!