I bought a new (used) 1860 Army today


New member
Took it to the range and had a lot of fun. Now I'm trying to figure out who made it. It says on top Euroarms Brescia. On the side it says 1860 Army .44 cal and it has the proof marks that were reference in another site. There are three "XXX" which should be 1974, but according to the narative, Euroarms came about in 2001. It' doesn't look that old, has some meaningless scrolling on the cylinder and it really shoots well with 25 gr of BP. I haven't even cleaned up the shipping oil from my 1851 Navy yet to shoot, as I had so much fun with this one...and it takes so darn long to clean them!!!

Do you guys leave them a little oily with olive oil when you finish? My wife is not letting me near the oven with a pistol, so I cleaned it really well with water, Ivory dishwashing liquid, an dry rags than coated everything with an olive oil rag, then dryed the inside of the cylinders and the barrel leaving the outside a little oily.

Dave :)


Euroarms has been out of business for a number of years. Since the 80's I think. Quality on them was hit or miss. They used soft internal parts so expect to replace some things if you use it much. I don't leave anything oily. I run a patch lubed with bore butter down the bore and chambers. Olive oil will work tho.
Thanks mykeal, that site brought me right to the parts list and diagram in case I need parts any time.

This revolver seems to be really well made with a smooth action (no rough spots) and no wear at all except on the wedge where a metal hammer was used to put it in and out at least once. Love it!!

Dave :)
A.S.M. (Armi San Marco)is out of business, Euroarms, or Euroarms of america, was the early name for the US market of "Armi San Paolo", and now it become a unique brand in both side of the ocean!
Actually the company produced replica, and trade stock of military arms, last year buyed 10.000 enfield from Italian navy and put in on the market!
Some rumors says that the Pedersoli revolver are made in many parts by Euroarms!
Yeah, I had ASM on my mind when I said Euroarms was out of business.:o Some days be that way. Others are worse.:eek:
Thanks for the additional info. I took both revolvers out yesterday 1851 Navy Pietta and the 1860 Army. Didn't forget the Crisco. They both shoot great. The Army still shoots high, while the Navy shoots right on target with the sights.

Do you think that the XXX code on the side of the Army means that it was made in the '70's? Works and looks like new! The Navy is the $139 special from Cabelas.

Dave :)

It means 1974. They didn't start using the box til 1975 when they went to the two letter code vs the roman numeral and number code.

Euroarms took over Armi san Paolo (not Armi san Marco) during the early 1990s but kept the name for some time as an additional trademark.
ASP was "the other" replica manufacturer of Winchester 1873s which were said to have parts that would interchange with the real thing. Production of their 73 was discontinued during the late 1990s. They also made stainless steel (!) replicas of the Colt M 1860 during the 1970s and 1980s.