I am Planning on Moving To Texas. Will A Revoked FOID Be A Problem?


I am planning to move to Texas in the next two years. In September 2013, I was voluntarily admitted to a hospital for mental health reasons. The specific reason is depression. I lost my FOID card and in the letter, it said that I had to wait 5 years until I could reapply for a FOID card. When I move to Texas, will I still have to wait until the 5 year period has expired even though I will not be an Illinois resident? From what I understand, under federal law, I would still be eligible to purchase a firearm because I was not involuntarily admitted. So what I am basically asking is that will Illinois law still apply even though I am no longer an Illinois resident but a Texas resident? I also found out that after the 5 year period has passed, you still have to get an Illinois-Licensed Psychiatrist to "sign off" on you. If this is true, how would I resolve this being I would no longer reside in the state of Illinois? Am I "stuck in Illinois" until I can get my FOID reinstated? Thank you for your time.
We don't do FOID cards in TX. If you can legally purchase a gun under federal law you are good to go in TX as soon as you can legally and correctly state that you are a TX resident.

You just need to be able to truthfully answer the 4473 questions properly and pass the NICS check.

Here's the 4473 form. Pay special attention to 11f and the explanatory information provided for it.
I understand and agree he is no longer bound by IL law. With the NICS being federally operated, and I had thought its contents were input mostly from the states, I had wondered if there could be issues with state input from one state triggering a NICS denial, even though what they had submitted would not disqualify you in another state. Does anybody know how NICS determines what data to include or exclude?
Interesting question. Based on the info you supplied (voluntarily admitted) I think you would be okay after reading the instructions for 11f. I think once you qualify as a tx resident Il law would no longer apply.
A lot of us would be depressed too if we had to live in Illinois. ;)

Moving to Texas might help you get over whatever it was that bothered you up there. :)

Good luck, and welcome to Texas!
I would still be eligible to purchase a firearm because I was not involuntarily admitted.
Under federal law, you're good to go. Few states have regulations as inane as Illinois.

The sad irony is that laws like that will discourage people from seeking help and getting healthy.