I am just Curious.. I want to know why?


New member
What does it means if there are post's that were shaded dark gray or light gray. Are they being marked or noted for, for having sense or non-sense topic/ideas. Or it is just common.

Also, what is everyone purpose of only using Pseudo names, no emails but can give many input on this forum.

Are we avoiding some kinds of what? or we don't want to be identified, for if we have said some foul statements then we are in trouble. Being a legal law abiding citizen and we talk legitimate issues - why should we hide our identity, but sometimes we also come to know the person personality on their write up on good posts that not knowing it is one way of data gathering.

I am just curious to know why? as being said, there is no non-sense questions.

Just forgive me if I step on your privacy.

Thank you.
Perhaps my reason was anonymity. I just got on the internet a couple months ago. I was pretty excited when I discovered this place. I was worried, however, as to how I would be accepted. Everyone's been great. My alias is fun though. It's like having personalized license plates on your car that pertains to your hobby or whatever.
Exactly! I chose my moniker "1911Heaven" simply to convey my affinity for this particular incarnation of John Browning's genius. My E-mail address is posted.
Hmmm...my username is my name. My e-mail is through my ISP and is also my name. I don't feel a need to be anonymous.
My real name is boring, and I think "Gwinnydapooh" is funny. I'm probably the only one who thinks so, but oh well.

If anyone cares, my name is Don Gwinn. But so is my dad's, so you still don't know who I am. HA! Email is in my profile.

I have no idea what the shaded posts are--do you mean the locked threads, the ones you can't post to anymore? Usually those are locked because the debate turned into fighting or name-calling (flames) or the content is inappropriate. Sometimes that only means the content was inappropriate for that particular forum, like a rifle question in the handgun forum, so check to see if the thread has been moved. Hope that helps.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I gave up hiding years ago. I also get, and enjoy, personal mail from these posts which doesn't tie up bandwidth on the forum. (Bandwidth, now if that isn't a 90's term.)

You will notice that the light gray and dark gray messages alternate. It's simply done to make reading them easier. ;)

Roon (aka Joseph Rooney, secret agent man)
No secret here!!!!
My handle is just a contraction of my name Dennis.

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!

[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited January 17, 2000).]
No secrets here either, my profile has e-mail/website address. But I am a Cowboy, (and a Texan) hence, my handle.

Cowboy (Paul Piro)

[This message has been edited by Cowboy (edited January 17, 2000).]
I just did it 'cause everybody else did. You mean we don't have to? ;)

When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; IT IS that they shall be destroyed forever...Psalms 92.7

Big Joe is that you???? Hey i havn't seen you since (#$$*#*&) Philly. Man that was some ($#%&&%#) Up ($@$*_+). You catch that ($%#$%^$#&) show "the Sopranos?" Who the (#%$#%^&^) do these guys think they are?

Like I'd pull a gun out of a ($#%^&) Fish.. you know what I'm saying??? What like nobody uses a shotgun anymore?? (^$%^&)ing forget about it.

See you at the bowling ally next thursday, Mannie, Paulie and fat Sal are having a little card game...

This is not an offer you can refuse capice?


(with apologies to all actual gangsters in the fedreal witness protection program)
JHP: "I just did it 'cause everybody else did. You mean we don't have to?"

That is what I am curious for, some jokingly said bec. they are secret agents. Or maybe when they state something in the forum and not in consonance with their personal standing in life, then it is self contradictory. But checking some data box, some has no mail, country, or whatsoever. But I think it is all part of the game and making the forum lively and interesting.

But observe, many are self confessing as to their identity like me when there is a TOPIC that really make someone to answer not knowing he did so. For instance "The topic how many are LE's or LEO's here", NRA members, No. of guns you have etc. Or when someone say a little bit flamable about LE's then the LE's react and identify themselves but no identity in their data box. Geee!!! it is all intelligence work and very exciting communicating with you all guys.
