I Am Curious Yellow

Jungle Work

I have been registered and posting on TFL for less than a month but I have noticed some hard felt postings of opinions and beliefs concerning firearms, tactics and self defense.

I was wondering what these opinions and beliefs are baised upon. Has any one here ever killed another person with a firearm or been involved in a gunfight or firefight in the military, law enforcement or committed justifiable homicide with a firearm as a citizen. What I'm looking for is something more than I read it in a book, went to a school or I saw it in a movie and it sounds good to me. I would like to hear the opinions of those who have seen the "elephant" so to speak on these subjects. As I said before, I'm just curious.

Jungle Work
This happened to my brother-in-law.
He and his family come home one day to find a man inside their home pointing an MP5 at them and telling them to get down. They do so and he takes my brother-in-law's brand new BMW keys. As soon as the BG leaves the house to go to the garage, my brother in law runs upstairs in his rage (he just bought a $60,000 car and the guy almost killed his family, understand?) and grabbed his 9mm beretta. He ran outside and began firing shots at first trying to shoot out the tires then aiming for the windshield. Every bullet missed but one, which hit the back of the car. His insurance covered it, and no one was hurt.
Was this a smart thing to do on my brother-in-law's part? hell no.

Lots of topics here tend to get "heated". I try mostly to avoid it, but I have fallen into the trap as well.
When you get enough people together, talking about the same thing, some of them are bound and determined to bump heads.
Take everything here with a grain of salt. Sift through the flaming and arguing (to the moderators' credit there is not too much) and you will find plenty of good information.
If you get a chance, go through and read back over some old posts. You will find the demographics of this site interesting. There are plenty of current LEO's, ex-LEO's, the current generation of military personnel, the older generation of military personnel, civilian security, lawyers, and John Q. Public.

With that many different veiwpoints on a topic, you can see where the differences start. While the younger crowd latches on to the newest, hippest, techno-training babble, the older crew are doing what has worked for them for years, with no intention of changing. Meanwhile, the LEO's and Military have different rules and policies, and different training, for tactics and use of force. This results in differences of opinion regarding tactics.

You can see with so many backgrounds how discussions turn to arguments.

To the credit of everyone here, most people seem to stay very civil, and it is not too often that it degrades to personal attacks/flaming.

Don't worry about personal stuff. Speak your mind, but stay civil at the same time. People will respect your opinion more if you voice it like a professional.
"I was wondering what these opinions and beliefs are baised upon. Has any one here ever killed another person with a firearm or been involved in a gunfight or firefight in the military, law enforcement:

Yes I have JW and I know you have. This is a very large site with many members. You just have to seperate the wheat from the chaff and try to be a little tolerant.
I have seen alot, but never been a part of a shooting. I end up seeing the after math on the street and the hospital. It is enough to scare me not to even think about using my gun. Going to the range, shooting into a target. There is really no relation to a blodied person and the real destruction of a bullet.

Nothing can get you ready enough to be a part of a shooting...nothing. The circumstance is never what we think it will be and you will most likely be unprepared for it. Some of my shootings have been of someone getting into a car, not even ever seeing the shooter before in their life.
How it goin' brother. No big deal, but I was just wondering whether these folks who have these such hard felt beliefs about tactics and guns had ever had to do the dirty deed or they were just blowin' smoke. Some seem to be about 18 years of age, with very sheltered liberal upbringings and others seem to be the real deal. I'm very tolerant as I am just a pussy cat at heart. Wouldn't hurt a flea.

Again, glad to see you, HB.

Jungle Work

You will get arm chaired warriors on every board as well as in real life.

And, this board is unique in the way that it's set up. I have, to my shame, fallen into a heated discusion and have said (human nature) things that I highly regretted and have been asked (that is one of the differences here, if something was accidentally said or said in such a manner that it may be perceived a personal attack) to either edit or delete your post.

And sometimes you, as in real life, met people that just rub you wrong on the first impression and it's so easy to fall into human nature of altering the way to you respond to them. Yet, you find out if you reread them with an open mind that what struck you wrong really wasn't the jest of the post.

So, the best thing to try to do is to take everything with a grain of salt and to try to change your natural nature (fight or flight).

I will say this, I have never seen the "elephant" and I pray to God that I never do. But because it may or could happen I keep on reading up as much as I can and practice, practice, practice :).
I worked for a grocery store while in college. Was chasing a shoplifter out of the store when he turned and pulled a small revolver on me and a coworker. Wasnt old enough for CCP. I remember getting tunnel vision and all I saw was the gun. Thanskfully the guy just dropped the merchandise and ran across the parking lot. Will never forget that moment.