I am a bit confused


:o I admit it, I am confused. I am reading what all of you are saying, and I am so thankful for the welcome and your willingness to share your knowledge with me. HOWEVER, I am lost on some of what you say! :o I think the main part that is confusing for me is when you all mention the type of guns, etc. that you have. I am reading it, yet I have no picture available in my mind to match up with your words. Soooooo, I am wondering if there are any websites any of you could recommend to get me acquainted with guns, what the look like, what they are called, etc. I have not ventured from this forum to any others here due to being just a bit hesitant. I am sure if I went to one of the other boards and asked I might get some info, but I'd like a place to see actual pictures and descriptions. Do any of you have any suggestions?

(Are you sick of the questions yet? ;) )


~*~Forgive my ignorance, I am here to learn! :) ~*~

[This message has been edited by LoriAnn (edited December 09, 1999).]
Are we sick of it yet? Not a chance sugar...

Actually, maybe you will be the cause of something cool ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Never get sick of the questions.
Write down or make a note of what you don't understand. Almost all of the guns mentioned in the threads are on the web. If you are unclear, just ask that we post a link to a picture:
is an example. This is the practical version of the Browning Hi Power.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

LoriAnn, we don't easily get tired of questions from newbies. In fact, we like answering the easy questions cause then we look like we are smart. :D
The only website I know of offhand is S&W's. http://www.smith-wesson.com

However, if you go to http://www.goto.com , that is a great search engine that simultaneously searches many of the smaller search sites. Type in "Colt's" or "Ruger" or "Glock" or whatever and I'm sure you'll get some results.

If you still are having trouble finding sites, go to http://www.shooterslinks.com/categories_index.html , that is an index of hundreds of manufacturer's and distributor's websites.

If you need any other assistance just holler!
Welcome aboard! :D -Kframe

[This message has been edited by Kframe (edited December 09, 1999).]
Nope, we don't get tired of questions. One thing shooters really enjoy doing is passing on what we know to new people. You're making us feel great! :)

Try www.shooters.com
Here you will find links to most firearms manufacturers and a great many other gun related sights. Its a big place, but you can find almost anything you might want to know about.

Hey Gale McMillian! Six fast bullseyes in a row! Are you typing with one of your rifles? :D Just kiddin'....just kiddin'!

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited December 10, 1999).]
Have I told you guys yet how thankful I am for your kindness??? :D You are all so helpful! I sure am glad that Sandy invited me over here! (Thanks Sandy!!!! :D)
I am off to bed tonight, and may not be here tomorrow, but when I do get back here I have plenty to look at! :D Thank you so much!!
Hi Lori Ann, I just missed you by about 12
minutes so i guess you will read this tomorrow. I had to go look for the web site
address. It is :

When you get there, click on products and this will pull up a page with model numbers
classified under either semi auto pistols or revolvers. Click on revolvers then find and click on large frame revolvers and click on
t608-357 mag.
this is my taurus Model 608 .357 Mag
8 shot revolver with 8&3/8 inch barrell and
4 rows of intergal barrell porting, in mirror
bright stainless steel. I went one step further and bought the factory scope mount and a 2.5 power LER (long eye relief)pistol
scope for it. I'm all set up to hand gun hunt deer or boar or what ever (if I were only a hunter!) Im just a target shooter who likes
to own the best (or close to it as I am sure some here have strong opinions as to what is the best).

The best to me means any gun that
is more accurate than I am. This automatically disqualifies 65 % of the guns made as being not good enough. (Low inherant accuracy).

The taurus model 608 is a tack driver
357 with accuracy similar to a ruger Govt
Bull T6&7/8- 22lr pistol. I frequently shoot 1 inch groups at 25 yards bench rest.
Thanks to the porting ,recoil is less
than the Ruger mark 2--22lr--pistol---
when firing lee .38 cast lead bullet heads, 105 grain cast with 3.0 grains of bullseye powder in a 38 spl case.

Even when firing full power .357Mag
hunting loads with 125 grain hp bullet heads,
recoil is like 38 special light target loads
from a 6 inch non ported barrell.

The Taurus model 608 is well suited
for target pratcise,sillioute shooting and
handgun hunting. da trigger pull is 11 pounds
and sa trigger is a crisp & easy 4 lbs.
Mine feels more like 3 lbs as I keep it well oiled. This is an excellent gun for a lady,
being as it is not only very smooth and well behaved & extreemly pleasent to shoot for hours on end but also a real looker in high
gloss bright stainless with black neopreme
Of the 70 hand guns in my collection,
this is, with out a doubt, the shining gem!
If the Taurus does not hit the 10 ring, time & time again, YOU and not the gun, are doing something wrong.

I was initally leery of the rubber grips, because I have small hands & usually
have to buy custom grips to fit my hands,
but Taurus has come up with a universal
grip design that feels good to every one ;
big hands, medium hands or small hands.
I was suprised that I didnt need to spend 30.oo for custom grips---I loved the gun right out of the box.

The only mistake I made the first day
that I had the gun was to let my shooting friend Richard use it. He liked it so much
that he refused to return it to me, giving me 500.oo instead! Then, I had to make out the paperwork transfers and order another Taurus Model 608 for myself! True! The only gun I ever owned for less than one day! I had
another Taurus 608 for the next weekend and also the scope & mount mentioned above which
I have yet to bother to install. The gun is
so fine with just the adjustable sights it comes with that I really dont feel like putting on the scope.
Bang ...Tink,....bang ...tink, bang ...tink,bang...tink,bang ...tink says it all
to a metalic silliouette shooter!
Now if I could only fall in love with a good woman as easily as I fell in love with that Taurus ...sigh!
Richard is hooked on his Taurus, too!

The Taurus Model 608 in the 8&3/8 inch
barrell is a thing of bueaty not only to just look at but also to shoot. Just one owners

I wanted to cheap out and buy the blue
finish to save 50.oo , but all my friends
and also the Taurus Factory rep. told me to spent the extra for the hi gloss bright stainless.....and guess what....they were right. Its worth 50.oo just for the pleasure
of looking at it. Just try NOT TO --EVER-- drop it. Ive had mine a year now & shoot the
snot out of it constantly and it still looks and shoots like new.
It is very fussy about having clean
chambers and of couse, a clean bore.This is
probably because the gun has extreemly tight
tolerances which give it its outstanding accuracy but the gun does not like being dirty.
I dont like shooting a dirty gun anyways, so we get along. I clean & lub it
after shooting and check that it is clean &
lubed after storage and before shooting.

Lori, if you get a Taurus 608 , if it is your "kind" of gun, you will never regret
it. It will however, spoil you for most other
guns out there on the market. 70% or 80% just wont measure up favorably against it.

I almost forgot: http://shooterslinks.com/ and click on
Catagories Tab across top & then click on firearms manufacturers & distributors.
Scroll the list for manufacturers and click
to go to their web sites & see the pretty pictures of all the guns. I wont, thank you
very much, cause every time I do , it always costs me more money. I never meet a gun I didnt like and want to own. They are like pokiemon; " GOTTA CATCH EM ALL"!

Is this just "a problem " I have or
are there others like me, that feel an almost irrestable urge to buy fine firearms out there?

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 10, 1999).]
LoriAnn, get in touch with the NRA at www.nra.org. They should have information on women-specific training.
The classroom part should help to familiarize you with general firearms nomenclature.
Go to a Barnes and Noble or Hastings bookstore and look in the 'Sporting' section. There should be a pretty large selection of books on various types of firearms there.

Good luck and have fun.


If you want a fairly good overview of various types of guns (complete with pictures), bookmark this URL and refer to it from time to time:



Don't be afraid of asking questions, even if they sound dumb. I ask dumb questions and make stupid remarks all the time, and I haven't been kicked off TFL yet! :D
Lori Ann...

You want to see a variety of firearms? Check this out... ( www.auctionarms.com ). When you get there, you'll see a menu, you can click on "Pistols" or "Rifles", or "Shotguns", all of which are on the auction for sale, many of which have photos. It is the widest array of firearms available for sale that I've found.

If you want to see something specific, then use their "Search" feature, and type in what you want to see, "Glock 21", or "Beretta 92F", or "AR-15". Most of the sellers add a picture in their posted ad. You'll get the idea. There will be an indication that a photo is included as you scroll down the ads.

You can also do the same at ( www.gunbroker.com ).

Have at it.
Ask and ye shall receive!

After so many great links posted here and an email scramble by our Staff, we've added a link to Security Arms' photo gallery.

Within an hour of this post it should be updated on all our pages. For now, it's already up on this Page. Look to the top and you'll find a link to "Firearms Photos". Click on that and you'll be at Security Arms' site where you can research your socks off.

See, we told you we'd be learning as much as teaching!
Rich Lucibella

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited December 10, 1999).]

A low tech solution (and thanks to the others, there were some sites that I didn't have yet) is to get a copy of the Gun Digest Annual Edition (comes out once a year. You can usually find last years on the clearance racks in bookstores). About half of the book is descriptions and specifications of most guns made (also has the retail price of the gun which is good for getting you in the right ballpark for your price). Mine is on the bookshelf next to my desk. I find it much easier and quicker to grab it and look it up rather than bouncing around the web and then trying to come back and find where I left off.

LoriAnn, if you are looking for training as somebody replied above, don't forget the CCRA at http://www.gunssavelife.com .
Same place I posted on Sandy's board. They can help out and they're local. You may know a few members already without knowing it!

Illinois folks gots to stick together.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Rich, when you update the firearms photos link, don't forget to include the high end of shotguns and rifles from Krieghoff.