Hysteria in Illinois


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SOURCE: Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence

Gun Lobby and Senate Republicans Want Back Door Implementation of Law To Allow Individuals to Carry Handguns in Their Cars

CHICAGO, Dec. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- ``There is one reason and one reason only for the extremist efforts we are seeing to roll back our felony gun misuse laws,'' according to Mark Karlin, Chairman of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence. ``Senate President Pate Philip and the gun lobby want to allow citizens to carry concealed handguns in the glove compartments of their cars, under their car seats, and on the streets of their towns and cities. When caught breaking the law, they want a slap-on-the-wrist misdemeanor charge, rather than a felony.

``Having failed to pass a carry concealed weapons law, and failed to roll back the felony gun law provision in 1997, the gun lobby is now trying to achieve their goals through the back door. The felony gun law has been on the books for more than four years, and we have heard nothing of licensed gun owners being abused over this time period. Instead, we have seen thousands of bad guys arrested or given longer sentences as a result of this pro-law enforcement statute.

``The reason that the gun lobby cannot produce 'innocent' victims is that the McClure-Volkmer Federal Firearms Law Reform Act of 1986 (18 USC Sec.926A) expressly prohibits states and local municipalities from arresting gun owners who are transporting unloaded weapons in the trunks of their cars. This applies to any person who is transporting a gun from a place where the individual may lawfully possess a gun, even if the person is passing through an area where the possession of the gun may not be legal. Senate President Philip knows this, yet he will not acknowledge that licensed gun owners are already protected under federal law.

``All the gun lobby is trying to do is coddle the criminals and gun malcontents in the state. They want to bring back Dodge City to Illinois. The only winners, if the Senate Republicans have their way, will be gangbangers and the gun lobby. Our state will be less safe as a result.''

In a special session of the Illinois Legislature, beginning on December 13, the House and Senate will be considering re-enactment of several law enforcement measures. The Illinois Supreme Court recently struck down these laws on technical grounds relating to their original consideration by the Legislature. Among the bills that the Legislature will be considering is a law that will continue to classify illegal gun use as a felony.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
"Technical issues?" Actually, I suppose it is a technical issue--they piggybacked it as a rider on an unrelated bill, right? And that's not constitutional in this state. Of course, you could call intentionally ignoring opposing votes in order to force your bill to pass a "technical issue" and be equally correct.

And personally, I don't consider a misdemeanor a "slap on the wrist." But then, I may not have the kind of record that these antis do . . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Well, the real news here is how polite and courteous the Illinois gangbangers must be. After all, they're apparently all waiting for this legislation to pass so they can carry in their cars, right? I did read that right, didn't I ...? ;)
This entire issue is much like lifting up a big rock from the the middle of your yard, and discovering all sorts of creatures living underneath it.

The Illinois Supreme Court found the "Safe Neighborhoods Act" UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!! So what does the republican Governor do? He sets up a special legislative session to overturn the Supreme Court's decision with a "Constitutional Amendment". I might be mistaken, but I remember every single elected official in Illinois taking something called an OATH OF OFFICE! That oath makes them swear to protect and defend that Constitution. So what the devil is this?

Creatures running out from the rock, I suppose.

Every liberal leftist in republican (and democrat) clothing came running out from under that rock when the Supreme Court handed down this decision. Side by side, the republican Governor stood with liberal left wing gun hater Mayor of Chicago Richie "Adolph" Daley at press conferences whinning about this decision.

Interesting that the two of them are both Freemasons. Makes you wonder about hidden agendas and conspiracies all over again, doesn't it?
Could someone please explain whats going on? I saw part of this on the news last night but didnt see the entire thing. What I got out of it was that they are going to change illegal use of a weapon from felony to misdemeanor? What am I missing here? Are they considering CCW's? To me, that would be the perfect solution! We could take so many hours of the class and apply for the permit, just like other states. But if they drop this to a misdemeanor, wouldnt that mean that so many criminals in jail would be set free? Sheesh, IL isn't TOO screwed up is it?
What Chicago desperately needs is another fire to clean that place out so we can start over.

I can't believe this is happening NOW! I have to go home for a month today and I won't have access to email or TFL while I'm there. I'll try to do what I can through snail mail and phone calls (at least I'll be closer to Springfield) but to be honest I REALLY depend on TFL for information. I'm going to miss it.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
The governor, George Ryan, is sweating a federal investigation of his last state job: He was secretery of state, the guy who issued drivers licenses. He repeatedly says he did not know that licenses were sold for campaign ''donations.'' A bunch more of his employees were indicted yesterday. Ryan, a republican, also is getting a pass from democrats, who normaly would have torn out his throat. But not a word from Michael Madigan, the democrat head of the state house. Ryan won because dems sold out their candidate, Glen Poshard, a conservative, and repubs sold out Al Salvi, a conservative who lost the sec of state race to Jesse White, a Chicago dem and some sort of tumbler. What a bunch of whores. George is also called Lyin Ryan. A lot of people are waiting for him to be indicted, the chowderhead.
I thought the drivers liscense guy was Jim Ryan? Isn't Goerge Ryan the one who is getting investigated about giving out truckers liscenses? Or is that yet ANOTHER idiot here in IL? LOL We sure do have a lot of them!
Jim Ryan is former DuPage County state's attorney and now is attorney general. Heyesteday came out in favor of Gov. George Ryan's demand that carrying concealed be kept a felony. George is teh guy whose office sold the license to Chicagoan Guzman, whose truck lost a part that was run over by a minister near Milwaukee. The part punctures the minivan's gas tank and incinerated the guys's six children. George Ryan insists that he knew nothing of corruption during his eight years in office. ''Here's $100,000 in cash from tickets you asked me to sell, Mr. Ryan. I'm sure you are not interested in how I did such a good job for your re-election campaign.''
Gwinnydapooh -- This might be old hat, but if you have a library where you're going, check them out. Most of them are on-line now
and you can get a machine for an hour at a clip.

I did this when I was on vacation this summer. Stopped in four of 'em, checked my email, and boogied on.
This law has zero chance of passing. The "Safe Neighborhoods Act" was declared unconstitutional because it was passed attached to other legislation, which is illegal in Illinois. My local radio station said that Senate President James Pate Phillips "symbolically" introduced the bill.

When all UUW involving a firearm became a felony, the States Attorney here sent a memo out to all the police departments in the county urging us to use discretion on the street. He said he didn't want to see felony charges against the businessman on his way to the night deposit.

Miss D. I don't think you will ever see CCW in Illinois. They are going the same way as California and New Jersey. What's interesting is that there was a new public range complex opened at Rend Lake Resort here in Southern Illinois a few weeks ago and guess who came down to shoot the first clay birds? That's right our anti-gun governor George Ryan. Smacks of Bill Clinton's duck hunting trip after the '94 crime bill. I wonder if the Chicago press covered the governor's shooting trip?
Dear Mr. Karlin,

Ain't it a bummer when people try to sneak legislation in behind your back?

Guess what, Spud? That's what has been happening to the gun owners lately. Really sucks when it's your turn in the barrel, doesn't it?

Miss D...

The "Safe Neighborhoods Act" made it a felony if "you" were caught with a weapon, whether that weapon was on your person, in your car, or in your napsack (prior to the Act, such a violation was potentially chargeable as a misdemeanor). Why was that found un-Constitutional? Well the Act, as many anti-gun laws do, alledge their target to be criminals. However, as you and I both know, anti-gun legislation really only effects law abiding folks like you and me, since crimials don't bother paying attention to laws. The Illinois State Constitution, believe it or not, actually gives us the RKBA, as does the U.S. Constitution (remember the phrase, "shall not be infringed"?). The Safe Neighborhoods Act clearly violated that right.

But don't let the politicized media hyperbole confuse you. The issue of whether a person should be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony for being caught with a weapon is, and only should be, relative if the person caught is a previously convicted felon or has just committed some other felonious crime. If you or I are stopped for a traffic violation and our vehicle were to be searched (also un-Constitutional for minor traffic stops), and the cop found a gun under our seat, we should NOT be arrested and charged with felony possession of a gun. Do you see the difference? But the Safe Neighborhoods Act does NOT discriminate between law abiding and felonious possessors of firearms.

The Safe Neighborhoods Act uses the same logic as did the "weapons and drug sweeps" that were made in CHUD housing here in Chicago a few years back...BTW, also found to be un-Constitutional. The laws themselves are blatant violations of law abiding citizens Constitutional Rights, and clearly don't discriminate between its potential victims.

The Illinois Supreme Court did the right thing. What's going on now in Springfield should be stopped. The current special legisilative session is attempting to again usurp the law by means of a highly politicized Amendment to the State Constitution. This not only violates due process, but shows you just how bold our law makers have become in violating the very Constitution that they're sworn to protect and defend.
Thanks for the info! I saw bits and pieces of it on the news but it got a little confusing, seeing that I did not hear the entire story. I cant believe Ryan was shooting! I am wondering if he rented a gun or brought his own? Hmmm does George Ryan own a gun?

It seems unconstitutional that we can not carry. What happens if you are going somewhere to shoot, you get pulled over for say speeding, they find your gun, what happens? Do you get arrested and charged with a felony?

Does anyone here in IL remember when Scottie Pippen was busted with a handgun in his glove compartment? If so, what happened with that? I never heard anything about it again. Just wondering if money can buy you out of it.

I REALLY hate IL! Not only is it boring but the laws are so messed up, thanks to Mayor McCheese himself.
Pippen flunked the attitude test outside of United Center while in his Land Rover. Cops found one of those Colt .380 mouse guns and filed a felony charge against him. Case disappered from media radar screens. Geez, I would never suspect that somebody might use clout to beat a charge in Chicago, a city know for its rule of law.
Miss D.

Technically, for those of you who pay attention to un-Constitutional laws, in Illinois you can have a firearm in your car so long as it is properly cased and unloaded and you have an FOID card in your possession.

Its when you are caught with a loaded firearm (not in a case) in your car that begins the "gastopo" treatment.

Constitutionally, you have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in all fifty of these United States. That Right "shall not be infringed". If you question whether your Right to possess a firearm is legal wherever you may be...just refer to Amendment II of the U.S. Constitution. Enough said.