Hypothetical situation


Staff Alumnus
Now that the grubmint is saying that Y2K *will* cause problems (as opposed to last month's "everything is wonderful" statement), what are the odds that Comrade Bill will declare martial law and try to get us to turn in our guns? ("Only until the crisis is past, in the interest of public safety, yadda yadda...")
On the political side, I think Clinton has proven he will use any and every excuse to undermine the Constitution with respect to gun rights.

On the practical side, it seems to me that trying to disarm a society in the midst of a "crisis" is bad timing. People give up rights without a fight when they feel they have a lot to lose - nice life, good job, etc. In a crisis when people have a more pressing fear of criminal violence, mayhem, etc, and place a much higher value on their means of defense. I think they would be far more resistant to giving up their guns, and more likely to resist that order with... enthusiasm. That would be tragic and I can't believe that even Komrade Klinton would put this country through such an awful scenario as that would likely become. Lets all hope and pray he has the wisdom to let this nation face one crisis (Y2K) on its own and get through it before artificially pressing his own agenda in a way that is likely to endanger rather than promote public safety.

Why, that would be as reprehensible as starting a fake war and putting troops at risk of death just to cover his political butt in a... hmmmmmm... I see your point.
Is he gonna invoke article 47? actually we don't have article 47, but Hitler did. Its the part of the old german constitution that said that in times of emergency the presdient (that was hitler position) get to take over the government and suspend what every rule neccessary to get us out of crisis. The more time passed between the founding of constitution, 1787 and the present(moving target, can pin down date) the more I feel we are giving out president article 47 by default. ok i'm done
Actually, Phil Degraves here on Grim's computer. I came up with the same scenario. Even though the Y2K problem will be little more than a computer "burp" the media will hype it into a full blown panic among the sheeple. Looting will start and Slick Willy will use his position to not only declare martial law and attempt to confiscate all the firearms (using United Nations Troops as the American Troops will balk at the idea), but he will also cancel the presidential elections because of the "crisis". He has already demonstrated a willingness to abuse the power of the presidency and a contempt for the Constitution, and the two thirds of the Senate has condoned his behavior. They have given him the green light to do whatever he wants with no fear of repercussions...
Now, I've got to ask:

Why is the confiscation of firearms important in a National Emergency?

Here's an article from World Net Daily about preparations in Michigan for Y2K:

And Ed,

The Emergency and War Powers Act of 1933 has never been recinded, neither was it properly put in place. But, because it was "recognized" we have had legislation from the Oval office from every president since then. Mr. Clinton has passed the most EO's of any president previous.

Just a "heads up" for you.


Go to the "Info Vault" and read the first two articles under "EMERGENCY POWERS & EXECUTIVE ORDERS"

"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 06, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 06, 1999).]
Here's something for your "Oh, S***!" bag:

"There are now over 12 thousand of these executive orders, many of which establish alternate government control under emergency conditions which they define, and under which we perpetually live. Here are a few of the most extreme ones:

Order # Description
------ ---------------
10995 Seizure of communications, public or private in the U.S. (Radio, TV, newspapers)
10997 Seizure of power, petroleum, fuels & minerals within the U.S., public and private.
10998 Seizure of food supplies and resources and all farm land and equipment in the U.S.
10999 Seizure of highways and transportation, including cars, trucks & vehicles in the U.S.
11000 Allocation of U.S. citizens to work forces, including splitting families, in the U.S.
11001 Seizure of health & education functions and facilities, public and private in the U.S.
11002 Designates Post Master Gen'l to register all persons through their local Post Office.
11003 Seizure of airports and aircraft, commercial, public or private within the U.S.
11004 Relocation of communities and designating new population centers in the U.S.
11005 Seizure of railroads, waterways and storage facilities in the U.S.
11051 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) admins executive orders.
11490 Combines executive orders 10995-11005 and 11051 into a single executive order.
12148 Defines national emergency as disaster, unrest, invasion or economic crisis.
12919 Delegates the responsibilities within FEMA in implementing executive orders.

The executive orders are in the Federal Register and can be viewed by any American who takes the time to look and wade through them. These executive orders are the law of the land and can be implemented at any time at the discretion of the President alone, as the state of emergency exists.

An example of how executive orders can currently impact the way of life of any U.S. citizen was seen when President Clinton, by executive order, confiscated 1.8 million acres of Utah public and private land in the fall of 1996 and set it aside as a national monument. This placed 75% of Utah's planned energy production capacity (coal) after the year 2000 out of reach of that state. It also placed 25% of this nations "clean" coal reserve off limits for national use, forcing us to be dependant on foreign interest (who by the way were major contributors to President Clinton's re-election). It also resulted in two large counties becoming essentially "wards of the state" as the total government land owning in those counties is now over 99%. Is this the America our founding fathers envisioned? What would occur if a president initiated the executive orders described above on a broad basis as a pretext for assuming dictatorial powers in a fabricated emergency?"


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 06, 1999).]
To Senor Phil Degraves using someone else's computer, et al: It's a weekend...I'm about one toke over the line with Crown Royal and Coke...I'm flat assed tired about hearing about Y2K and all this other crap...get a grip! Rich...if you want to throw me off the board for this, so be it...I've had about all I can stand.
Mike I'm with you, in fact I am so sure the Y2K is going to be at most a hickup that I do'nt plan to take any of my money out of the stock market. The way I see it I hope some people panic so I can buy more stock for bagain basement price and laugh all the way to the bank when Jan 3 trading opens and nothing happens. IMHO


Phantom Menace May 21st! Star Wars is back.